333 Dunaliella salina 鹽生杜氏藻 Phylum: Chlorophyta 门:綠藻門 Class: Chlorophyceae 纲:綠藻綱 Order: Chlamydomonadales 目:衣藻目 Family: Dunaliellaceae 科:杜氏藻科 Morphology Cells are solitary, motile, and varied from oval, pyriform, nearly spherical, elliptical, to rod-like shape, with round anterior and posterior ends. Cells are surrounded by a thick sheath without cell wall. Two flagella with approximately equal length with cell length arise apically. Cells have a large posteriorly located pyrenoid and an anteriorly located eyespot. The nucleus is large and oval. The chloroplasts are numerous and cup-shaped. Cells’ color varies from light green to dark red due to β-carotene accumulation. 形態 細胞獨立生活,可遊動,形態多變,呈現卵形,梨形,近球形,橢圓形甚至棒狀, 前端和底端圓。細胞沒有細胞壁,由一層膠質鞘包裹。兩根和細胞等長的鞭毛從前 端伸出。細胞後端有一個較大的澱粉核,前端具一眼點。細胞核較大,橢圓形。色 素體較多,杯狀。細胞顏色多變,由於色素體內β胡羅蔔素的累積不同而呈現出暗 紅色或亮綠色。 Ecology and distribution Dunaliella salina is a widely distributed species worldwide, sometimes forming blooms in highly saline habitats including brine lakes, tide pools, and salt marshes resulting (Leedale & Hibbert, 1985; Throndsen, 1997). 生態與分佈