Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

336 Rhodomonas salina 鹽生紅胞藻 Phylum: Cryptista 门:隱藻門 Class: Cryptophyceae 纲:隱藻綱 Order: Pyrenomonadales 目:單核胞藻目 Family: Pyrenomonadaceae 科:單核胞藻科 Morphology Cells are solitary, roughly oval-shaped, and motile due to the presence of two flagella extending at the anterior end. The posterior end tapers slightly. Usually only one chloroplast is present. Cells possess phycoerythrin (PE) and display red or yellow-brown color. 形態 細胞單獨生活,大致橢圓形,前端具兩根鞭毛,可運動,後端輕微收窄。細胞通常 只有一個色素體。細胞具藻紅素,整體呈紅色或黃褐色。 Ecology and distribution Rhodomonas salina is mainly distributed in coastal sea waters or brackish waters. Rhodomonas salina is an important food widely used in aquaculture. 生態與分佈 鹽生紅胞藻主要在近岸海水以及半咸水中分佈,也是養殖生物的優質餌料。 Size Length: 14-17μm (Tomas, 1997)