350 面外層,唇形突呈管狀或小孔。 Setae: Long and hollow extensions project outside from the valve margin of diatom. They can join frustules together to form chains and maintain buoyancy of diatoms in aquatic environment. 角毛: 由硅藻殼邊向外伸出的長而中空的突出物,角毛會使硅藻殼相連成長鏈狀, 可令硅藻在水中保持浮力。 Sulcus: A longitudinal furrow or depression on the ventral side of a dinoflagellate cell which lies on the longitudinal part of the flagellum. In thecated species, the sulcus is made up of sulcal platelets. 縱溝:甲藻細胞正面的一縱向坑紋或凹陷,位於鞭毛縱部。有甲殼品種的縱溝由縱 溝小板組成。 Undulate: A wave-like surface margin. 波浪形:波浪形的表面邊圆。 Terminal setae: Setae emerge from the end valves of the chained cells. 端角毛:從串連成鏈狀的細胞末端殼邊伸出的角毛。 Transapical axis: The axis which is along the valve face and is perpendicular to the apical axis of diatom. 横軸:沿着殼面并與殼面的縱軸垂直的軸。 Trichome: A bundle of filament. 藻絲:一束絲狀群體。 Vacuole: A cytoplasmic membrane-bound cavity within a cell that functions in digestion, storage, secretion or excretion. 液胞:細胞內由細胞質膜包着的空腔,主要有消化、儲存、分泌或排泄的功能。 Valve view: Looking at a diatom frustule from the top or bottom of the cell. 殼面觀:從細胞的頂部或底部觀察硅藻的殼面。