373 About the authors 作者簡介 張曉東長期從事海洋浮遊植物的分類、生理和生態研究。 張曉東本科畢業於廈門 大學海洋科學系海洋生物專業,碩士畢業於中國科學院海洋研究所。 在本科和碩 士期間,結合分子生物學和電子顯微鏡對廈門近海骨條藻屬的物種多樣性和季節 變化進行了細緻的研究,闡明多尼骨條藻是廈門近海以及鄰近海域的優勢骨條藻 物種,而此前研究中骨條藻紅潮歸因為中肋骨條藻的認知需要修正。 碩士畢業后 張曉東參與完成了國家海洋局公益性科研專項「我國海洋浮游生物分類鑒定技術 及在生物多樣性保護中的應用」,對海洋浮遊植物的分類工作有了更進一步的認知。 張曉東自2018年赴港,博士就讀於香港科技大學海洋科學系,導師為劉紅斌教授, 博士期間主要研究方向為海洋聚球藻的多樣性以及生理生態研究。 博士期間參與 了多次對香港海域以及珠江口的浮遊生物調查研究,對調查海域完成了超過一千 個樣品的浮遊植物物種組成及豐度的分析,對香港海域的浮遊植物物種多樣性及 其時空格局有了初步的認識。 本書成書得益於此。 目前發表論文30餘篇,其中 第一作者論文五篇。 Zhang Xiaodong has conducted extensive research on the taxonomy, physiology, and ecology of marine phytoplankton. Zhang Xiaodong got a bachelor's degree in marine biology from the Department of Oceanography at Xiamen University and a master's degree from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zhang Xiaodong focused on investigating species diversity and seasonal variations of the Skeletonema genus in the coastal waters of Xiamen, employing molecular biology techniques and electron microscopy. His findings suggest that Skeletonema dohrnii is the predominant species within the Skeletonema genus in the waters near Xiamen, challenging previous assumptions that blooms of Skeletonema were primarily caused by S. costatum. After completing a master's degree, Zhang Xiaodong participated in the National Oceanic Administration's public welfare scientific research project titled "Classification and Identification Technology of Marine Plankton in China and Its Application in Biodiversity Conservation." This project enhanced Zhang's comprehension of marine phytoplankton classification. In 2018, Zhang commenced doctoral studies at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, specializing in marine Synechococcus diversity and