Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

36 Nitzschia 菱形藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛门 Class: Bacillariophyceae 纲:羽紋硅藻纲 Order: Bacillariales 目:硅藻目 Family: Bacillariaceae 科:硅藻科 Morphology Cells are solitary, or form colony including chains or mucous colony. Cells are morphologically diverse, and the valves are rhombic, cocoon shaped, navicular, or linear for different species. Some species display middle enlargement or constriction with pointed or blunt at the apical axis ends. Based on AlgaeBase, 883 species have been identified currently. However, it is difficult to identify them into species based on microscopic observations only except limited numbers of species. The species are identified by the size, shape of valve, and ultrastructure. 形態 細胞單獨生活,或成鏈,或被膠質包裹形成群體。細胞呈菱形, 繭形,舟形,或 線形,橫斷面菱形。中部膨大或縊縮,末端尖或鈍。基於AlgaeBase,菱形藻目前 有883個物種。除少數幾種外,基於顯微鏡觀察很難鑒定到物種水準。不同物種主 要的鑒定依據是粒徑大小、殼面形狀、殼面末端是否延長、管殼縫的有無、點條紋 排列形狀等。 Ecology, and distribution Nitzschia species are cosmopolitan, planktonic, and benthic. 生態與分佈 菱形藻在全世界海域廣泛分佈,營浮游和底棲生活。