39 Nitzschia longissimi 長菱形藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛门 Class: Bacillariophyceae 纲:羽紋硅藻纲 Order: Bacillariales 目:硅藻目 Family: Bacillariaceae 科:硅藻科 Morphology Cells are solitary, linear or lanceolate, with a nodule in the middle which may not be easy to observe. Valves are enlarged in the center and abruptly narrowed into very long thin rostrate apices. 形態 細胞單獨生活,線形或披針形,具中央節(顯微鏡下有時不易觀察到)。殼面中央膨 大,然後驟然收縮成細長的尖喙狀頂軸結構。 Ecology and distribution Nitzschia longissimi is a benthic species. Cells could be epiphytic or found in coastal water. 生態與分佈 近岸底棲物種,可附著生活,也可在近岸水體中發現。 Size Length (apical axis): 500 μm (van Heurck, 1896); 125-500 μm (Cupp, 1943); 200-450 μm (Hendey, 1964); 415 μm (Chin et al., 1965); 300-400 μm (Hendey, 1970); 250-300 μm (Isamu, 1991); 125-450 μm (Hasle and Syvertsen, 1997; Tomas, 1997); 401.71μm