Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

4 Different species were photographed under a microscope and a total of 102 common species, including diatoms, dinoflagellates, and other phyla (cyanobacteria, diatoms, haptophytes, green algae, cryptophytes, and raphidophytes), sorted by Latin name according to class, order, family, genus, and species, were included in this book. The publication of this book not only supplements research on the diversity of phytoplankton in Hong Kong, but also serves as a reference tool for phytoplankton research and monitoring in Hong Kong. 香港境內海島、港灣眾多,東部、西部以及南部區域都呈現了不同的環境特徵。 多 樣化的生境可能導致香港浮游植物物種多樣性極高。基於香港漁農自然護理署的 數據,香港浮游植物物種可能超過800 種。然而有關香港海域浮游植物多樣性的 研究仍然十分匱乏。自2018年來,我們藉助於和香港環境保護署合作的項目(香 港海域富營養化影響的水質評價補充標準研究,Ref:17-04208)對香港海域的10 個水質控制區25 個採樣站位進行了兩年的浮游植物物種組成和豐度監測,鑒定出 浮游植物超過250 個物種。我們在顯微鏡下對不同物種進行拍照,整理成圖冊。本 書涵蓋硅藻、甲藻以及其他門類(藍藻、矽鞭藻、定鞭藻、綠藻、隱藻以及針胞藻) 共102個常見物種,按照綱、目、科、屬、種的拉丁名排序。本書的出版不僅為香 港浮游植物多樣性的相關研究補充資料,還可作為本港科研以及海洋監測的參考 工具書。 The publication of this book is supported by Environment and Conservation Fund, Hong Kong. We are grateful for the support of Dr. You Yanchun from Xiamen University and Ms. Fang Xihe from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on the photo collection and typesetting process of this book. The cover and inserting pages were designed by Ms. Fang Xihe. Due to the constraints of the editor's expertise and time limitations, this book may contain imperfections and inaccuracies. We sincerely invite experts and readers to offer criticisms and corrections. 本書的出版得到了香港環境及自然保育基金的支援,特此致謝。本書照片收集、 排版過程中承蒙廈門大學尤艷春博士、香港科技大學方熹鶴女士的支持,封面及