Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

69 Pinnularia 羽紋藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Bacillariophyceae 纲:羽紋硅藻綱 Order: Naviculales 目:舟形藻目 Family: Pinnulariaceae 科:羽紋藻科 Morphology The valves are rectangular or slender stick in shape, with round corners and wavy edges. Some species are slightly concave in the center of valves. Rib like striaes are obvious. Two chloroplasts are present in the cells. Cells possess raphe and a nodule in the middle. According to data from AlgaeBase, there are 861 accepted species in genus Pinnularia until August 2023. However, most species live in freshwater. Morover, it is difficult to identify them into species level under microscope. 形態 細胞殼面呈長方形或者細長棍形,角較圓,邊緣呈波浪狀,部分物種在中央有輕微 凹陷。肋狀條紋明顯,色素體兩個。細胞具殼縫和中央節。基於AlgaeBase 的資料, 截止到2023年8 月,本屬一共861個物種,但其中絕大多數都生活在淡水中。僅 依靠光學顯微鏡很難將其鑒定到物種水準。 Synonyms 同種異名 No synonyms are currently included in AlgaeBase. 无同種異名。