Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

71 Meuniera membranacea 膜狀繆氏藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Bacillariophyceae 纲:羽紋硅藻綱 Order: Naviculales 目:舟形藻目 Family: Plagiotropidaceae 科:斜脊藻科 Morphology Cell valves are boat shaped or narrowly elliptical in outline with pointed ends, and nearly flat or weak median inflation. Frustules are delicate and there is a central nodule extending to valve margin. Adjacent cells are united in straight ribbon-shaped chains by valve and consequently rectangle broad girdle views are much more frequently observed than narrow girdle views and valves. Two to four ribbon-like chloroplasts are radiating from center. 形態 細胞殼面呈舟形或窄橢圓形,兩端較尖,中間輕微凸起。細胞壁較薄,中央節延伸 到殼面邊緣。相鄰細胞通過殼面相連形成帶狀直鏈,也因此矩形寬殼環面觀較殼面 觀和窄殼環面觀更為常見。色素體長帶狀,從中央輻射分佈。 Ecology and distribution Meuniera membranacea is a cosmopolitan neritic species with a broad temperature range. 生態與分佈 膜狀繆氏藻是廣溫沿岸性物種,全球範圍廣泛分佈。 Size