74 Pleurosigma 斜紋藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Bacillariophyceae 纲:羽紋硅藻綱 Order: Naviculales 目:舟形藻目 Family: Pleurosigmataceae 科:斜紋藻科 Morphology Valves are lanceolate, sigmoid, gradually tapering gently tapering to acutely rounded blunt apices. Some species possess pointed ends of valves. Raphe is centrally located and sigmoid. Central nodules are usually small and rounded. There are generally two large golden-brown plate-like chloroplasts lying in the valvar plane. 形態 殼面是披針形,呈S形彎曲,沿縱軸向兩端逐漸收縮,末端鈍圓。部分物種縱軸末 端較為尖銳。殼縫位於中央,彎曲。中央節一般較小較圓。色素體較大,一般兩個, 板狀,沿著殼面分佈。 Synonyms 同種異名 曲舟藻