Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

82 Grammatophora marina 海生斑條藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Bacillariophyceae 纲:羽紋硅藻綱 Order: Rhabdonematales 目:桿線藻目 Family: Grammatophoraceae 科:斑條藻科 Morphology The valve is elliptical in valve view and rectangular to square in girdle view, with roughly round corner. It is difficult to distinguish the Grammatophora marina and other Pennales diatom based on light microscopic observation on valves only. It is mainly characterized based on the girdle view: adjacent cells are connected at the corner to form a zigzag or radial population. There are two false septa in the middle of the cell. 形態 細胞殼面為橢圓形,殼環面觀為正方形或長方形,角圓。光學顯微鏡下殼面觀與許 多其他羽紋硅藻較難分辨,通常最主要的辨識依據是殼環面觀, 相鄰細胞在角隅相 連成鋸齒狀或放射狀群體。細胞中間有兩個假隔片。 Ecology and distribution Grammatophora marina is an intertidal benthic species with broad temperature range. Cells often attach on the surface of seagrass, macroalgae and benthic animals. They could also be found in coastal waters. 生態與分佈 海生斑條藻是廣溫性潮間帶底棲物種,常附生在海草、大型海藻或者底棲動物表面。 海生斑條藻也可以近岸水體中發現。