Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

85 Asterionellopsis glacialis 冰河擬星桿藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Bacillariophyceae 纲:羽紋硅藻綱 Order: Rhaphoneidales 目:缝舟藻目 Family: Asterionellopsidaceae 科:擬星桿藻科 Morphology Frustules are heteropolar, with an enlarged triangular base and narrow, elongated neck in girdle view. Cells are united in star-shaped or spiral colonies by the enlarged base. One or two plate-shaped chloroplasts are present in the enlarged basal part of the cell. 形態 細胞壁兩端形態相異,從殼環面觀看基端明顯膨大呈三角形,柄端細長。 相鄰細 胞在膨大端相連,形成星狀或螺旋狀群體。 色素體板狀,1-2個,位於膨大端。 Ecology and distribution Asterionellopsis glacialis is a neritic species with a broad temperature range. This species is widely distributed in temperate to tropical waters. 生態與分佈 冰河擬星桿藻是近岸廣溫性種類,從溫帶到熱帶均有分佈。 Size Length (apical axis): 30-150 μm (Cupp, 1943); 50-90 μm (Hendey, 1964); 75-120 μm (Chin et al., 1965); 50-100 μm (Isamu, 1991); 50-120 μm (Cheng et al., 2007); 38-55 μm (Al-Yamani et al., 2019); 40-120 μm (Gao et al., 2021).