Phytoplankton Species in Hong Kong Coastal Waters

94 Thalassiothrix longissima 長海毛藻 Phylum: Heterokontophyta 门:不等鞭毛門 Class: Bacillariophyceae 纲:羽紋硅藻綱 Order: Thalassionematales 目:海線藻目 Family: Thalassionemataceae 科:海線藻科 Morphology Cells are extremely long, needle-like, and usually slightly bent. Valves are long, linear, with one end wider and the other end narrower. Cells are solitary generally. 形態 細胞為極為細長的針狀,略彎曲。殼面長,線形,一端較寬另一端較狹。細胞單獨 生活。 Ecology and distribution Thalassiothrix longissima is a cosmopolitan planktonic species in both coastal and oceanic waters. 生態與分佈 長海毛藻是廣布性浮游物種,在近岸及大洋均有分佈。 Size Length (apical axis): 1-4 mm (Cupp, 1943); up to 3-4 mm (Hendey, 1964); 647-1000 μm (Chin et al., 1965; Cheng et al., 2012); 1.5-4 mm (Isamu, 1991); 530-4000 μm (Tomas, 1997)