Science Focus (Issue 27)

19 References 參考資料: [1] Department of Health. (2022, June). Myopia. Student Health Service. english/health/health_ev/health_ev_nea.html [2] Novak, J. F., & Saul, R. W. (1971). Contact Lenses in Industry. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 13(4), 175-178. [3] Schifrin, L. G., & Rich, W. J. (1984, December). The Contact Lens Industry: Structure, Competition, and Public Policy. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment. disk3/1984/8409/8409.PDF [4] Brunning, A. (2015, October 13). The Chemistry of Contact Lenses. Compound Interest. https://www. [5] Wu, S. (2021). A Brief Review of Contact Lens Development in China. Boli tangci yu yanjing [Glass, Enamel and Eyeglasses], 49(7), 41-44. https://doi. org/10.13588/j.cnki.g.e.2096-7608.2021.07.007 [6] Lee, S. E., Kim, S. R., & Park, M. (2015). Oxygen permeability of soft contact lenses in different pH, osmolality and buffering solution. International Journal of Ophthalmology, 8(5), 1037-1042. https://doi. org/10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2015.05.33 [7] Alipour, F., Khaheshi, S., Soleimanzadeh, M., Heidarzadeh, S., & Heydarzadeh, S. (2017). Contact Lens-related Complications: A Review. Journal of Ophthalmic & Vision Research, 12(2), 193-204. [8] Cwiklik, L. (2016, October). Tear film lipid layer: A molecular level view. Biochimica et biophysica Acta, 1858(10), 2421-2430. j.bbamem.2016.02.020 [9] Kemsley, J. (2008, November 7). What's that stuff? Contact Lens Solutions. Chemical & Engineering News, 86(46). Contact-Lens-Solutions.html [10] Worsley, A., Vassileva, K., Tsui, J., Song, W., & Good, L. (2019). Polyhexamethylene Biguanide:Polyurethane Blend Nanofibrous Membranes for Wound Infection Control. Polymers, 11(5), 915. polym11050915 [11] Sowlati-Hashjin, S., Carbone, P., & Karttunen, M. (2020). Insights into the Polyhexamethylene Biguanide (PHMB) Mechanism of Action on Bacterial Membrane and DNA: A Molecular Dynamics Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 124(22), 4487–4497. https://doi. org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c02609 [12] Codling, C. E., Maillard, J., & Russell, A. D. (2003). Aspects of the antimicrobial mechanisms of action of a polyquaternium and an amidoamine. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 51(5), 1153–1158. [13] Codling, C. E., Hann, A. C., Maillard, J., & Russell, A. D. (2005). An investigation into the antimicrobial mechanisms of action of two contact lens biocides using electron microscopy. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, 28(4), 163–168. j.clae.2005.08.002 [14] Boyd, K. (2022, April 22). How to Take Care of Contact Lenses. EyeSmart, American Academy of Ophthalmology. glasses-contacts/contact-lens-care 多用途溶液通常含有聚己亞甲基鹽酸或聚季銨鹽-1等 消毒劑 [4, 9]。這些聚合物的單體其實具有更強的抗菌活 性,但由於在聚合作用前單體對眼睛的刺激太大,因此這兩 種消毒劑以聚合物的形式存在於溶液內。至於抗菌原理, 據推測聚己亞甲基鹽酸能透過選擇性地與細菌 DNA結合, 使其凝聚,最終阻礙細胞分裂 [10, 11];研究亦發現聚季 銨鹽-1可透過破壞眼部病原體的細胞膜導致其內含物外洩 [12, 13]。 除了消毒,隱形眼鏡護理液中還含有其他化合物,以保 持鏡片的清潔度和性能 [4, 9]。雙磷酸鹽有助分解配戴過 程中在鏡片上堆積的蛋白質,而保濕和調理化學物質則可 確保鏡片在儲存過程中保持良好狀態。此外,緩衝劑可使 鏡片維持對眼睛溫和的 pH 值,防腐劑則可延長鏡片的保 存期限。 新手上路的小技巧 對於初次接觸隱形眼鏡的人來說,單想到戴上和摘下 隱形眼鏡的過程就已經使人畏懼,觸摸眼球或將異物放入 眼睛的想法確實讓人望而卻步。但不用擔心!有些技巧能 使這個過程變得容易,而不那麼嚇人。 由於現今市面上售賣的大多數隱形眼鏡都是親水的, 所以戴隱形眼鏡時應使用乾燥的手,這樣鏡片就不會黏在 手上。取下隱形眼鏡時,用濕手會更容易,但一定要在觸 碰隱形眼鏡前徹底洗手。 戴上隱形眼鏡後不建議使用眼藥水,因為兩者可能 不相容 [14]。不過,如果配戴隱形眼鏡時經常感到眼睛 乾澀,可以考慮使用眼科醫生推薦不含防腐劑的的滋潤 眼藥水。不過,千萬不要使用雙氧水作為潤眼液,因為眼 藥水和隱形眼鏡溶液是兩樣不同的東西! 結論 對於嫌戴眼鏡不方便、不舒服的人來說,隱形眼鏡是傳 統眼鏡的絕佳替代品。市面上還有不同顏色和著色直徑的 隱形眼鏡,適合想改變眼睛外觀的人。透過深入了解不同類 型的隱形眼鏡以及如何正確配戴隱形眼鏡,我們就可以做 出更明智的決定,選擇適合自己的隱形眼鏡。