Science Focus (Issue 27)

What’s Happening in Hong Kong? 香港科技活動 Antarctica 3D The Hong Kong Space Museum is currently featuring the breathtaking 3D Dome Show Antarctica 3D, which takes viewers on an aweinspiring journey through the coldest, driest, and windiest place on Earth. The documentary includes never-before-seen footage that showcases a vibrant underwater world beneath the ice, vast penguin colonies, and the largest congregation of whales ever filmed. However, the movie is not just a visual spectacle as it serves as a wake-up call to the urgent need to protect Antarctica's fragile ecosystem which is susceptible to global warming. Narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch, this fully immersive 3D Dome Show is not to be missed! Period: Now – January 13, 2025 Time: 2:00 PM and 6:30 PM (Mon, Wed to Fri) 12:30 PM and 5:00 PM (Sat, Sun and public holiday) Venue: Space Theatre, Hong Kong Space Museum Admission fee: Standard admission: $32 (stalls), $24 (front stalls) Concession admission: $16 (stalls), 12 (front stalls) Remark: Please refer to the museum’s website for more details. 展期: 現在至2025年1月13日 時間: 下午二時及六時半(一、三至五) 下午十二時半及五時(六、日及公眾假期) 地點: 香港太空館天象廳 入場費:標準票:32 元(後座);24 元(前座) 優惠票:16 元(後座);12 元(前座) 備註:更多詳情請參閱太空館網頁。 香港太空館現正上映令人嘆為觀止的立體 球幕電影《極南之地3D》。觀眾將踏上旅程, 前往地球最冷、最乾、最大風的地方,感受大自 然的奧妙。這套紀錄片將展示前所未見的片段, 將冰下多采多姿的水底世界、龐大的企鵝群及 史上拍攝到最大的鯨魚群盡顯眼前。然而這套 電影並不單是一場視覺奇觀,更是提醒我們要 保護南極脆弱生態,避免其受全球暖化進一步 影響的當頭棒喝。不要錯過這個由Benedict Cumberbatch 娓娓道來的沉浸式 3D 電影體 驗! “Science in Lyrics” Writing Competition 2024 – Result Announcement 「歌詞與科學」寫作比賽 2024 – 結果公佈 Visit our Instagram page for the winning entries. To check out what other songs the contestants have written on, scan the QR code for the Spotify playlist! 歡迎到《科言》Instagram 專頁查看得獎作品。想看看參賽者還以甚麼歌曲參賽嗎? 掃瞄 QR 碼收聽今次比賽的 Spotify 播放清單! 冠軍 Champion: 許家和 Xu Jiahe 凡星 – 陳蕾 亞軍 First Runner-Up: 黃可兒 Wong Ho Yee 52赫茲 – KOLOR 季軍 Second Runner-Up: 張子軒Cheung Tsz Hin august – Taylor Swift 優異獎 Honorable Mentions: 隥楚熙 Tang Chor Xi The Moss – Cosmo Sheldrake 趙天朗 Chiu Tin Long 夜曲 – 周杰倫 呂羅斯 Lv Luosi Moses Tongue Tied Twisted – Suit Up, Soldier Fun in Summer Science Activities 夏日科學好節目 Any plans for this summer? Check out the following event! 計劃好這個夏天的好去處了嗎?不妨考慮以下活動! 1 極南之地3D