Science Focus (Issue 27)

7 1969 年,Rosenberg 的實驗室發表了有關順鉑在小鼠 中具抗腫瘤特性的結果 [3, 8],臨床試驗也隨即展開。起初, 它震驚了社會大眾,因為重金屬化合物被認為是具劇毒的物 質 [4, 5]。儘管如此,當與其他藥物結合使用時,順鉑對不同 類型癌症皆宣告有效,特別是當時沒有有效藥物治療的睾丸 癌 [9]。1978年,順鉑被美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)批准 使用,在其他國家也相繼獲得許可 [4]。它至今仍是治療癌症 的關鍵藥物之一 [10]。 近年研究揭示了順鉑的運作原理,它主要透過「綁住」(更 準確地說是使其形成交聯)同一條 DNA 鏈上的兩個嘌呤鹼 基(腺嘌呤和鳥嘌呤)來抑制DNA複製 [11, 12],最終導致 細胞分裂失敗及細胞凋亡 [11]。從順鉑無差別的運作方式 來看,它同時亦會影響正常組織中經常需要分裂的細胞,例 如腸道內的細胞,引起嚴重副作用 [13]。這在某程度上解釋 了為甚麼研究人員在尋找新一代的鉑藥物。對身體毒性較低 的卡鉑(carboplatin)在1989年進入市場 [5, 13, 14],對 結腸癌尤其有效的奧沙利鉑(oxaliplatin)則在 1994 年被 批准使用 [5, 14]。Rosenberg的偶然發現最終使一系列鉑 藥物得以問世,拯救了無數癌症患者的生命。 雖然順鉑的二次發現的確是由許多巧合交織而成,但正 是 Rosenberg 勇於接受新觀點的心態和強烈的好奇心使他 能將這重要發現帶給所有人。順鉑的故事亦提醒我們化學、 物理和生物之間並沒有實質界限,不同科學領域的緊密合作 可以帶來意想不到的重要成果。 機會只留給有準備的人。這是單純的運氣嗎?你自己決 定吧。 References 參考資料: [1] Gefter, A. (2010, January 18). Newton's apple: The real story. New Scientist. https://www.newscientist. com/article/2170052-newtons-apple-the-real-story/ [2] This Month in Physics History – November 8, 1895: Roentgen's Discovery of X-Rays. (2001, November). APS News, 10(10), 2. [3] Hoeschele, J. D. (2014). Biography of Professor Barnett Rosenberg: A Tribute to His Life and His Achievements. Anticancer Research, 34(1), 417–421. [4] Barnett Rosenberg i ego schastlivyj sluchaj [Barnett Rosenberg and his lucky case]. (2021). Kvantik, 6. biblioteka/436262/Barnett_Rozenberg_i_ego_ schastlivyy_sluchay [5] National Cancer Institute. (2014, May 30). The "Accidental" Cure—Platinum-based Treatment for Cancer: The Discovery of Cisplatin. https://www. [6] Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Science, Michigan State University. (n.d.). Barney Rosenberg. [7] Rosenberg, B., Van Camp, L., & Krigas, T. (1965). Inhibition of Cell Division in Escherichia coli by Electrolysis Products from a Platinum Electrode. Nature, 205(4972), 698–699. https://doi. org/10.1038/205698a0 [8] Rosenberg, B., Van Camp, L., Trosko, J. E., & Mansour, V. H. (1969). Platinum Compounds: a New Class of Potent Antitumour Agents. Nature, 222(5191), 385–386. [9] In remembrance of Barnett Rosenberg. (2009). Dalton Transactions, (48), 10648–10650. https://doi. org/10.1039/B918993A [10] Gandin, V., Hoeschele, J. D., & Margiotta, N. (2023). Special Issue "Cisplatin in Cancer Therapy: Molecular Mechanisms of Action 3.0". International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(9), 7917. https:// [11] Tchounwou, P. B., Dasari, S., Noubissi, F. K., Ray, P., & Kumar, S. (2021). Advances in Our Understanding of the Molecular Mechanisms of Action of Cisplatin in Cancer Therapy. Journal of Experimental Pharmacology, 13, 303–328. JEP.S267383 [12] Imai, R., Komeda, S., Shimura, M., Tamura, S., Matsuyama, S., Nishimura, K., Rogge, R., Matsunaga, A., Hiratani, I., Takata, H., Uemura, M., Iida, Y., Yoshikawa, Y., Hansen, J. C., Yamauchi, K., Kanemaki, M. T., & Maeshima, K. (2016). Chromatin folding and DNA replication inhibition mediated by a highly antitumor-active tetrazolato-bridged dinuclear platinum(II) complex. Scientific Reports, 6. [13] Zhang, C., Xu, C., Gao, X., & Yao, Q. (2022). Platinum-based drugs for cancer therapy and antitumor strategies. Theranostics, 12(5), 2115–2132. [14] Monneret, C. (2011). Platinum anticancer drugs. From serendipity to rational design. Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises, 69(6), 286–295. https:// 圖二 順鉑的化學結構 知多一點點:有順鉑, 有沒有反鉑 (transplatin)? 有,它是順鉑的立體異構體, 但沒有抗腫瘤活性 [4]。 反鉑