PG Resident Handbook 2024/25

PG Resident Handbook 2024/25

2 Welcome Message 2 Introduction 3 Hall Management 4 Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence 6 Hall Rules 10 Hall Access 14 Residents Visitors Vehicles Procedures of Checking-in and Checking-out 16

1 Key and Room Access 17 Introduction of PG Halls 18 Room Types Facilities Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident 20 Defects Laundry Guide of Air-conditioning Service and Laundry Service Payment System 21 Utility Cleaning Matters and Garbage Disposal Cooking Telephone Mail Security and Safety 26 Personal Safety Electrical Safety Loss or Theft Prevention Lost and Found Fire Safety and Emergency Response Typhoon or Rainstorm Preparedness Useful Contacts 29 Campus Map 30 Table of Contents

2 The Hall Management staff would like to extend our Warmest welcome to you! The mission of our office is to provide quality management, facilities, personnel, services and learning programs to our residents. Working with DSTO (Dean of Students’ Office) and other academic departments, we strive to provide a vibrant and diverse living and learning platform for cultural, recreational, social and academic growth. Living in the hall community at HKUST will certainly be an amazing experience where you can meet lots of new friends, learn how to live with your roommates, expose to idea that you have never encountered. You may even face obstacles and problems that are difficult to solve. Do not feel desperate, as you are not alone in facing these challenges. Many people within our hall community, including your Residence Masters, peers and hall staff, can offer help and support. You are welcome to speak out and discuss with us in order to find ways to cope with difficulties. The student halls are close to academic facilities, and you can easily access various campus resources. Residents are encouraged to join various activities organized by the Residence Master, and hall staff that stimulates both educational and social development. We hope you will have an unforgettable experience in the hall life at HKUST! Welcome Message WELCOME MESSAGE

INTRODUCTION 3 Introduction The University believes in total and holistic education. Students are encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities and to engage in athletic and cultural activities as participants rather than spectators. Campus living is a desirable part of studies. In addition to having easy access to academic and research facilities, the opportunity to interact, in a residential environment, with peers not only stimulates learning but may also lead to long-term friendship and business associations. It also provides opportunities for students to learn to mix with fellow students of different cultures and background harmoniously. Each student is charged with the responsibility to act honourably and to hold fellow students to the same standard. Postgraduate students live in Stephen Kam Chuen Cheong (SKCC) Hall, University Apartments Tower A&B (UAA/UAB) and the Jockey Club Global Graduate Tower (GGT), which are collectively known as the PG Residences. The main objective of this handbook is to provide basic information about the PG Residences to all residents with a view to facilitating them in deriving maximum benefit from living there. The architects and the builders have created for us the physical environment in form of rooms, common areas and others. It will be you, the residents, through your stay in the PG Residences that will give life and character to the residential environment. Do make good use of the handbook to explore the facilities and services available. At the same time, do ask yourself in what way, through your participation, efforts, creativity, cooperation, acceptance and others, you can contribute to the creation of an environment that will bring educational benefit to all.

STAFF 4 Residential Life Officers Residential Life Officers are full-time residential staff who oversee the daily hall operation, facility management, taking care of residents’ need and provide administrative support to the RM in matters concerning residential life. HALL MANAGEMENT Hall Management Residence Master (RM) The PG Residences are under the overall-in-charge of the Residence Master who provides intellectual and pastoral guidance to residents; organize activities/programs that aim at enhancing residential life experience of residents; and resolve conflicts and handle disciplinary matters of the hall. Prof. Richard SO Residence Master of PG Halls

5 Student Housing and Residential Life Office (SHRLO) SHRLO is in charge of the overall management of student halls, including admission, residential life programs, hall operations and off-campus housing. Hall Office / Management Office A team of full-time staff including Residential Life Officer and hall attendants are present and responsible for managing the daily operation of the hall, including resident services and facility management. The offices open from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (except from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.) daily, including weekends and public holidays. After the office hours, only security staff will be stationed at the Service Counter to provide services. Locations SKCC Hall : G/F, UG Hall I UA : G/F, Tower B, University Apartments GGT : G/F, The Jockey Club Global Graduate Tower Hall Management

6 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF HALL RESIDENCE The same Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence shall apply to residents of the PG Residences; and wherever appropriate, “Hall” or “hall” in singular or plural form, also means “University Apartments” or “The Jockey Club Global Graduate Tower”or “SKCC Hall“. 1. Interpretation In these Terms and Conditions: 1.1, “Hall(s)” means all residential accommodation for students under the management of the University. 1.2, “Residence Master” means a person appointed by the Dean of Students to take charge of the Hall. 1.3, “Hall Management” means a team of management and executive staff appointed by Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence the Dean of Students to perform functions and duties in relation to the residential life education and/or facilities management and operation of the Halls. 1.4, “Hall Resident” means a student of the University who is staying or has accepted an offer of residence in a Hall admitted under the hall admission policies for the time being in force. 1.5, “Vacation Resident” means any person, other than the Hall Management and Hall Tutors, who is staying or has accepted an offer of residence in a Hall admitted by the Head of Student Housing and Residential Life Office under regulations and procedures for summer programs approved by the University.

7 2. Compliance with Terms and Conditions A hall resident, vacation resident and visitor shall observe and comply with these Terms and Conditions, with the Halls Rules, with any reasonable order of the Residence Master, and whenever appropriate with the general regulations of the University. 3. Admission 3.1, Application for hall residence shall be made in the manner prescribed by the University. Provision of false information in the application may lead to disqualification of the application and/or disciplinary action. 3.2, Head of Student Housing and Residential Life Office shall, in accordance with regulations and procedures approved by the University and the Hall Admissions and Selection Committee, admit vacation residents for such period as he/she may decide appropriate. 4. Payment of Charges Each hall resident or vacation resident shall pay the charges in accordance with the rates of charges and the general conditions and methods of payment for the time being in force. 5. Privileges of Hall Resident or Vacation Resident A hall resident or vacation resident who has paid all appropriate charges or who has been permitted to make a deferred payment of these, shall, subject to the provisions of clause 11.4, be entitled to reside in the hall and use its facilities during the paid period. Use of other facilities outside the hall premises is not an entitlement of hall residence. 6. Visitors 6.1, A hall resident or vacation resident may invite visitors to the hall subject to Hall Rules. 6.2, The Residence Master may prohibit any visitor or any person not being a hall resident or vacation resident from entering the hall, ask him/her to leave the hall, or permit him/her to remain on the premises at any time. 7. Responsibility for Injury and Damage 7.1, The hall resident or vacation resident shall make good or pay on demand for any damage to furniture, fittings, fabric and property of the hall for which he/she is responsible, fair wear and tear excepted. In case of shared facilities in resident rooms or apartments, it is the joint responsibility of all those sharing the use of the facilities concerned to make good or pay on demand for the damages. Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence

8 7.2, The University or, the Hall Management shall not be responsible for any loss of damage to any property, goods, articles or things whatsoever brought into the hall by the hall resident or the vacation resident. 8. Inspection of Rooms The Residence Master or executive staff of the University reserves the right to authorize entry into any rooms in the halls with or without prior notification to ensure proper care, maintenance and safety of the facilities; to make necessary repairs; and to investigate violations of Hall Rules. Effort will be made to give advance notice when room entry is necessary. 9. Vacating Room and Removal of Property Immediately after the termination of residency, a hall resident or vacation resident shall vacate the room and remove all personal property in the room. Any personal property found after the termination of residency will be removed and the Hall Management may at his/her discretion dispose of or sell out such property and in such event, the proceeds of sale will be paid into the revenue of the hall account. The University shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to such property. Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence 10. Penalty for Late Check-out A fixed penalty of HK$100 per person per night plus the hall charges incurred due to late check-out will be levied on those who fail to observe the check-out date as stipulated on the Offer Letter and vacate the hall on time. Both charges continue to apply until the resident concerned completes the proper check-out procedures by returning all keys to hall attendants AND sign on the check-out record. 11. Discipline 11.1, The Residence Master may, in accordance with authorities vested in him/her by the University, take disciplinary actions against any hall resident or vacation resident for violation of Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence and Hall Rules. 11.2, The Residence Master may confiscate any appliances or items which according to Hall Rules are not allowed to be brought into the hall without permission, or any equipment used in such a way as to disturb or endanger others. 11.3, The Residence Master may impose a fine on any person who is not a hall resident or a vacation resident and who is found in the hall without prior permission after the time for the departure of visitors from the hall as laid down in the Hall Rules.

9 Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence 11.4, The Residence Master may suspend or terminate, with or without notice, a resident from hall residency when there is reason to believe that the person’s residence will lead to behavior incompatible with the orderly operation of the hall. 11.5, No refund of any hall fees will be made for suspension or termination of residency imposed as a disciplinary action. 11.6, A hall resident or vacation resident may appeal to the Hall Affairs and Operations Committee against any findings of the Residence Master that he/she has violated Hall Rules. The appeal must be in writing and shall specify the grounds for the appeal. 12. Termination and Modification of Hall Offer All rights of occupancy hereby conferred may be terminated at the University’s option of the following: 1. Without cause, upon 30 days’ written notice; OR 2. Immediately if termination is required to protect the health, safety and well-being of the residents, other persons, or the property of the University etc.

10 HALL RULES 1. Occupancy Accommodation in the Hall is provided to assigned residents for the specific purpose of personal residence only. Use of the premises for any other purpose (e.g. giving to another person to reside in, storage and etc.) is prohibited. 2. Change of Rooms Change of rooms is not allowed except with permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. Residents found changing rooms privately will be penalized as appropriate. 3. Identification Proof of identity may be requested of any person present in the Hall by the members of the Hall Management or any person appointed by the Hall Management. Those who fail to present proof of residence may be asked to leave the hall or result in penalties. Hall Rules 4. Key A resident shall be responsible for the room key/key card assigned for his/her use. A room key/key card is not to be duplicated, loaned or furnished to anyone else. 5. Cooking Cooking is only allowed in the kitchenette. 6. Smoking The University is a non-smoking campus. Smoking is not allowed in the entire University campus, including any part of the Hall premises. 7. Fire Hazards 7.1, Possession of any items or chemicals e.g. weapons, explosives, highly combustible materials that are potentially dangerous and damaging is prohibited. 7.2, Open flames, including candles and incense, are prohibited in any part of the halls. 7.3, Interference of fire service devices is prohibited.

11 8. Cleanliness It is the responsibility of the resident to keep his/her room clean and tidy and the joint responsibility of all residents in the Hall to keep the common area of the Hall (including apartments common area in University Apartments) in a clean and tidy condition. 9. Furniture, Fittings and Fixtures 9.1, A resident shall not interfere with existing fixtures and fittings or install new utilities or fittings, without the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. Prior approval from Student Housing and Residential Life must be obtained for installation of large electrical appliances e.g. washer, dryer, refrigerator etc. 9.2, A resident shall not affix any glue, scotch-tape, gum-paper, nails, spikes, tacks or any other thing on or drive the same into any wall or floor or any fixture, fittings or furniture in any part of the Hall premises without the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. 9.3, Furniture and equipment of the Hall must not be moved away from the Hall or moved from one apartment/room to another except with the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. 9.4, A fixed penalty of HK$500 will be levied on residents who damaged and/or tampered with any fixture, fittings or furniture. In addition, residents involved will be responsible to bear the cost of making good of the damaged and/or tampered with item(s). 10. Decorations and Display Materials 10.1, Decorations and display materials are allowed to be put onto designated notice boards or places as permitted by the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. 10.2, Decoration and display materials on bedroom doors and other areas inside the Hall are normally allowed, provided that they do not deface surfaces, impose safety risk or cause disturbance to any other residents. Prior approval from the Student Housing and Residential Life Office will be required. 10.3, Decorations or display materials which deface surfaces or cause obstructions are prohibited. 11. Hallways and Public Areas 11.1, According to the Fire Safety Regulations of Hong Kong, hallways, walkways, stairs and other public areas (e.g. common rooms, lobbies etc.) are to be kept clear of equipment, furniture, trash and any other obstacles that might obstruct passage. Items found in these areas will be confiscated and discarded at the expense of the resident(s) who is responsible without prior notice. 11.2, Communal facilities are for the use of all residents. Any activity that obstructs others to use the common facilities is strictly prohibited. 12. Dress Code A resident shall be properly attired, T-shirt, shorts and sandals are the minimum requirements in any common areas of the Hall premises. Hall Rules

12 13. Laundry 13.1, Washing of clothes should only be performed in the laundry room. 13.2, Residents should make use of the dryers in the laundry room to dry their clothes as far as possible; if hang-dry is required, it can only be performed in the designated drying areas. 13.3, Laundry found hanging from the window hinges, curtain rails, sprinklers, false ceiling, outside the windows of the apartments or from the air conditioner plinths will be confiscated and discarded without prior notice. 14. Drugs A resident shall not bring into the Hall or permit to be brought into his/her room any dangerous drugs as defined in Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134). 15. Alcohol Consumption or storage of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in all student halls. 16. Gambling A resident shall not engage in any gambling whatsoever in the Hall or permit such gambling to take place in his/her apartment/room. 17. Pets A resident shall not bring or maintain pets, animals, birds or fish of any kind in the Hall. 18. Visitors 18.1, A resident may invite visitors to the Hall during the visitor hours, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. 18.2, All visitors entering or leaving the Hall must register at the Service Counter / Hall Office / Management Office with the presence of their host residents (i.e. Hall Resident / Vacation Resident). Hall Rules

13 18.3, All visitors must be accompanied by their hosts during their stay in the Hall. Visitors who are not accompanied by a host will be asked to leave the Hall. 18.4, The host resident will be responsible for any misconduct taken by his/her visitor(s) during their stay in the Hall, including disciplinary actions or fine, as considered appropriate by the Residence Master. 19. Personal Belongings Personal belongings should be placed in student bedrooms. A resident shall not place large personal items in the common areas such as common rooms in SKCC Hall and GGT, living room in apartments in University Apartments, etc). 20. Commercial Activities Commercial activities and promotion are prohibited in the Hall. 21. Disruptive Actions and Behaviors 21.1, Actions or behaviors that disturb other residents or the orderly operation of the Hall; or that threaten the health and safety of self or other residents; or that unreasonably interfere with other residents’ normal use of facilities; or that causing nuisance, e.g. getting drunk and defiling public facilities, entering the bedrooms of other residents without their consent or failing to settle proper taxi fare, etc., to campus users are prohibited. 21.2, A fixed penalty of HK$500 plus other incurred charges, if any, e.g. taxi fare, will be levied on residents who were found breaching Clause 21.1. 22. Interpretation of Rules The Residence Master and the Hall Affairs and Operations Committee shall have the authority to interpret these Rules. 23. Breach of Rules If anyone fails to observe the Hall Rules, the Residence Master may impose penalties, including suspension or termination of hall residence and/or other disciplinary actions, on the resident or host resident of the visitor. Hall Rules General Penalties for Hall Rules Violation Most Serious Offenses Examples: • Hall place trading • Usage or storage of illegal drugs in hall • Damage of security or safety devices with malicious intent Serious Offenses Examples: • Unauthorized room swapping • Misuse of student card for illegal hall entry • Causing significant nuisance • Smoking and/or alcohol consumption or storage • Overnight visitors without proper check-in • Gambling Possible Penalties (Zero tolerance) • Immediate termination of hall place • Disqualified from all future hall applications • Banned from entering all student halls for the rest of study at HKUST • HASC and School/Department will be notified • Remedial action and/or penalty charge Possible penalties for 1st Offense For residents: • Warning letter • Remedial action and/or penalty charge (e.g. $500 for smoking) For non-residents (visitors): • Warning letter • Banned from entering a particular student hall for up to six months • Escorted out of the hall immediately Possible penalties for 2nd Offense For residents: • Immediate termination of hall place • Disqualified from any hall application in the subsequent year For non-residents (visitors): • Banned from entering all student halls for up to one year • Escorted out of the hall immediately • Disqualified from future hall application in the subsequent year Possible penalties for 1st Offense • Verbal warning on record • Remedial action and/or penalty charge (e.g. the cost of fixing any damage of facilities) Possible penalties for 2nd Offense • Same as 1st offense under “Serious Offenses” Minor Offenses Examples: • Removing furniture without permission • Inappropriate decoration or display materials * This table is for reference only. The Residence Master shall have the authority to interpret the Hall Rules and may take disciplinary actions against any hall resident or visitors in accordance with authorities vested in him/her by the University. For more details and the most updated information, please visit our website at

14 HALL ACCESS Residents To ensure the SECURITY and SAFETY of all residents, access into the Hall is under 24-hr control. This means: • Entry into and exit from the Hall MUST BE MADE AT THE G/F ENTRANCE LOBBY of each building only. • The entrance door is controlled by smart card system. Remember to keep the door closed at all time. • Management/Security staff may check the identity of persons gaining access into the building to prevent any unidentified persons or intruders from staying inside the building. Please be tolerant if your identity is being checked. Visitors Visitors entering or leaving the halls must register at the Service Counter / Hall Office / Management Office. Visitors must be accompanied by a hall resident at all times in any part of the Hall. Visitors and the hosting resident(s) must observe the visitor policy stipulated in the Hall Rules in this Resident Handbook. Vehicles Private car: Please refer to the latest campus parking regulations and arrangements at _Parking. Taxi: Residents may come to the halls by taxi. Entrance into campus will be allowed upon showing of HKUST card or resident identity at the security control point at the main entrance. Hall Access

15 Car-parking: All campus car-parking spaces are under the management of the Security Control Center of the Campus Management Office. PG students may apply to the Security Control Center for campus parking permits at There are only very limited parking spaces near the University Apartments for use by holders of valid parking permits on a firstcome-first-served basis. Hall Access

16 Procedures of Checking-in and Checking-out Checking-in Upon check-in, residents should complete resident registration and collect a key / key card for room access. Residents are required to check if their room inventory is in good condition based on the Inventory Checklist given to them during check-in and will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the inventory. Any missing, malfunctioning or damaged items inside the room/apartment upon check-in should be reported to Hall Office / Management Office immediately. If no notification has been received within a week of check-in, damaged or missing items found during the residential period or at the time of check-out will incur a cost for repair/replacement. Checking-out Residents are obliged to complete check-out properly with SHRLO before the end date of residential period. Cooperation is essential to facilitate maintenance, cleaning and the move-in of new residents. Residents are required to clean all belongings from inside the room (and apartment if applicable), and restore the furniture setting. Once residents vacated their room, they should return the room key / key card & its holder AND sign on the check-out record IN PERSON at the Hall Office / Management Office. If residents intend to check out earlier than the last day of their residential end date, they are required to submit written notification to SHRLO at least ONE MONTH before their desired move out date. PROCEDURES OF CHECKING-IN AND CHECKING-OUT

17 Key and Room Access KEY AND ROOM ACCESS Residents are provided with either a key or key card for entering into their room (and apartment if applicable). Residents are responsible for the safe-keeping of the key / key card. DO NOT label the key / key card and its holder with name or other relevant information. In case of loss or damage, report to the Security Control Center AND the Hall Office / Management Office immediately. Replacement of keys will be issued upon payment of a fee at HK$100 each. Residents requesting for door opening service will be charged at HK$10 per request. Residents must return all key / key card and its holder to the Hall Office / Management Office upon check-out. Any loss key / key card and its holder will be charged at HK$100 and HK$10 respectively.

Introduction of PG Halls 18 INTRODUCTION OF PG HALLS The type(s) of bed spaces available in each building is/are as follows: Building Single Room in 4-person Apartment Single Room in 5-person Apartment Double Room in 5-person Apartment Room for Married Couple Double Room Single Room TOWER A TOWER B SKCC Hall GGT Room types

Introduction of PG Halls 19 Facilities University Apartments All apartments in the University Apartments (Towers A & B) are fully furnished. Residents of each unit will share a living room, an open kitchenette, a washroom and shower facilities. The kitchenette is equipped with gas stoves, a refrigerator and a microwave oven. All bedrooms and living rooms are equipped with air-conditioners. SKCC Hall SKCC Hall provides single bedrooms which are fully furnished and air-conditioned. Residents share communal facilities such as shower/washrooms, a common room and a small pantry on each floor. Cooking is not allowed in SKCC Hall. • Our Smart Meter system allows residents to add pre-loaded credit to their bedroom air-conditioner using various online electronic payment methods; and to operate the air-conditioner remotely. Please refer to page 21 of this handbook for the guide of this system. • Residents must check the conditions of the air-conditioning meter/wiring/labels and report any abnormalities found upon check-in. Failure to report the abnormalities may lead to termination of residence, a fixed penalty of HK$500 and the cost of making good may also be charged. GGT GGT provides single bedrooms and double bedrooms which are fully furnished and air-conditioned. Residents share communal facilities such as shower/washrooms on each wing, a common room and a kitchen on each floor. Help save energy! Turn off air-conditioner, lights and electrical appliances when not in use.

Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident 20 Defects If you find any defects or damages in your room, apartment, or anywhere in the hall, you should : • Complete the Defect Report Form by scanning the below QR code; OR • Report to the Service Counter/ Hall Office / Management Office directly. Repairs and maintenance will be arranged. IMPORTANT MATTERS THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW AS A RESIDENT Laundry Laundry rooms are located on 1/F – 7/F of University Apartments Tower A&B and GGT. Each floor in UA Tower A&B is equipped with 1 washing machine and 1 dryer except for G/F while 2 washing machines and 2 dryers are equipped on each floor of GGT. A Laundry and Drying Area is located in the courtyard of the composite building for SKCC Hall and UG Hall I. The Laundry is equipped with 10 washing machines and 10 dryers. Please refer to the next page for a guide of the Laundry Service Payment System. Electric irons and ironing boards are available upon request. Contact the Hall Office / Management Office if you want to borrow these items. Residents should collect the washed clothes promptly. Any laundry left in the laundry rooms will be disposed without further notice and the University or the Hall Management shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to the items.

For more details and instructions on how to use the systems, please visit our website at residential-halls/hall-life/hall-ac-and-laundry-service or approach respective hall Service Counter for assistance. You are highly recommended to familiarize yourself with the systems before use. Guide of Air-conditioning Service and Laundry Service Payment System The Air-conditioning Service Payment System and Laundry Service Payment System offer residents a convenient way to operate air-conditioners and laundry machines and add pre-loaded credit to the machines through different online electronic payment methods. Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident 21 Air-conditioning Service Payment System (SKCC Hall only) There are 2 ways to access the student control panel: Air-conditioning Service 1. Via URL:, or scan the QR code below: 2. Via HKUST Student App (Select “Residential Life” under “Easy Living”): Air-conditioning Service Laundry Service Payment System There are 2 ways to access the student control panel: 1. Via URL:, or scan the QR code below: 2. Via HKUST Student App (Select “Laundry” under “Easy Living”): Air-conditioning Service Air-conditioning Service

TAKE CARE OF YOUR ROOM • turn OFF the air- conditioner, lights, PC, etc. whenever not in use • close the windows and lock your room when you go out • keep your room clean and tidy Cleaning Matters and Garbage Disposal [SKCC Hall and GGT] Cleaning All common areas including toilets/showers, common rooms, pantries or kitchen, hallways and lift lobbies will be cleaned by hall attendants and contract cleaners. You are responsible to keep your own room clean, and also maintain the tidiness and hygiene of all common areas. Garbage Disposal You are required to clear your own garbage or unwanted items. Please put the garbage in your own plastic bags, and tie them up properly. You should place your garbage in the trash bins located at each floor refuse room / lift lobby. DO NOT PLACE GARBAGE BINS IN THE HALLWAY. Large items should be taken to the rubbish chamber collection point which is usually located at the ground floor of each building. Utility [GGT] The Jockey Club Global Graduate Tower SSC Smartmeter System A new environmental-friendly pilot project (Smart Meter Project) is activated in GGT since the Residential Year 2022/23. Utility charge of GGT will be charged according to consumption. Details could be found at https://shrl.hkust. 22 Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident

Cleaning Matters and Garbage Disposal [University Apartments] It is the joint responsibility of the residents of an apartment to regularly clean the living room, the restroom, bathroom and the kitchenette of the apartment. You should dispose of garbage or unwanted items by yourselves. Please put the garbage in your own plastic bags, tie them up properly and bring them to the Refuse Chute of your floor for disposal. Large items should be taken to the Rubbish Chamber on the G/F. DO NOT place garbage bins outside your apartment or in the corridors. Apartment cleaning is arranged to clean the common areas of your apartment on a regular basis which aimed to have regular checking to maintain the conditions of the common facilities in the apartment. Residents should remove all their belongings in the living rooms to facilitate apartment cleaning. You are responsible to clean your bedroom on a regular basis. Common areas including corridors, lift lobbies, staircases will be cleaned by hall attendants and contract cleaners of the Management Office. You are requested to keep/ maintain all common areas hygienic and clean. GREEN TIPS When clearing personal belongings, make sure that all recyclable items are sorted out and disposed of properly. Make effective use of any used item(s) and donate item(s) to people in need via charitable organizations such as: Hong Kong Red Cross (Tel: 2802 0021; Email: The Salvation Army H K (Tel: 2332 4433; Email: Po Leung Kuk (Tel: 2277 8352; Email: Watch out for announcement on recycling activities for residents during mass check-out period at the end of the Fall and Spring term. 23 Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident

Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident 24 Telephone [SKCC Hall] A telephone is installed in the hallway of each floor of the SKCC Hall. The telephone is for the joint use by residents in the hall. Be considerate and do not engage in lengthy conversation on the telephone. All telephones are direct lines outside the University telephone system which can neither be used to make international calls nor to receive collect calls. If you want to make international calls, please use the pay-phone next to the Coffee Shop at the Chia-Wei Woo Academic Concourse. Cooking Cooking is allowed ONLY in the kitchenette of each unit in the University Apartments or the kitchen on each floor of GGT. You should clean up the stove, the range hood and the kitchenette EVERY time after cooking. Residents in the University Apartments should check the grease filter of the range hood from time to time and replace it whenever necessary. This helps prevent grease and dirt from accumulating in the kitchenette. REMEMBER to turn off the stove after use. Negligence can be disastrous. Do not leave your food items or kitchenware unattended in common areas. The University or the Hall Management shall not be responsible for any loss of, misuse, or damage to the items. Use microwave oven properly. Incorrect use of microwave oven will cause fire or even explosion. Read the safety instruction sheet posted near the oven carefully. Do NOT cook or reheat food in the bedroom or the living room. The bedrooms and living rooms are fitted with sensitive detectors/sprinklers which can be easily activated by heat. WHILE COOKING • Always turn on the range hood to its highest power level. • To avoid overheating, always adjust the fire level to the adequate level. • When circumstances permit, keep all windows wide open to minimize smoke, heat and steam accumulation. • Close all apartment doors to prevent smoke generated from cooking that may activate smoke detectors in corridors.

Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident 25 Registered Mail or Parcel In order to protect the privacy and interests of every resident, please note that staff of the Hall Office / Management Office would not receive registered mails, parcels or other items delivered by the Post Office or courier which require the confirmation by the recipient. For your information, the postman usually delivers registered mails/parcels to the halls in the early afternoon on weekdays. In case the mails/parcels cannot be delivered to you during the aforesaid time, the postman or courier is required to leave you the contact information. You can call and work out another delivery time with the postman or courier so that the mails/parcels can be delivered to you at the pre-arranged time period, and you need not go to the Post Office or courier company to collect the item in person. Outgoing Mail You may use mailing services of the Postal Counter. You are required to use your own stamps as appropriate for outgoing mail. The details are as follows: Time : 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. (Mondays – Fridays) Closed (Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays) Location : Room 2615, 2/F (lift 31/32) Telephone : 2358 6333 Services : The counter handles general mail service, parcel orders, selling of postage stamps and others. The maximum weight of parcel order to be handled at the counter is 5 kg. Orders involve commercial goods or activities with business nature will not be served. Post boxes are available both outside the Leung Yat Sing Lecture Theatre (LT-F) and CMA Lecture Theatre (LT-L). [Mail Service by Campus Services Office:] Mail Incoming Mail Ordinary Mail Mail is delivered to the hall except on Sundays and Public Holidays. You may collect mail from the assigned pigeon hole or letterbox. Your mail should be addressed to you as follows: Your Name Your Room Number OR Apartment Number with bed number Your Hall Name The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Clear Water Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong Residents are reminded to check their mails regularly and clear out any accumulated mail. Residents are also reminded to notify relevant others of their change of correspondence address prior to check-out. The Hall Management is unable to provide any mail forwarding service. Any undelivered mails will be returned to the Post Office. The Hall Management shall not be responsible for loss of mails.

SECURITY AND SAFETY Personal Safety Keep your room LOCKED whenever you leave or when you are sleeping. Inform hall attendants, security guards, the Hall Office / Management Office immediately if you find any stranger in the Halls. If you plan to leave Hong Kong for a while, it would be advisable to inform others of your whereabouts, e.g. your fellow schoolmates, roommate, or staff of the Hall Office / Management Office. Electrical Safety To avoid electrical accident, here are the safety tips on using electricity: • Avoid using extension units or universal adaptors. • Use the extension cords on a temporary basis only when necessary. • Use only electrical appliances that meet safety standard for use in Hong Kong. • Keep electrical appliances away from water. To learn more about electricity safety, please visit the website of Electrical and MechanicalServices Department: Loss or Theft Prevention • DO NOT keep large sums of money, jewellery or valuable items in the room. • DO NOT leave any valuables unattended. Report any loss or theft to the Hall Office / Management Office immediately. Lost and Found Any lost property found in the hall should be handed to the Security Control Center immediately. 26 Security and Safety

Security and Safety 27 Fire Safety and Emergency Response On Hearing the Fire Alarm: • Leave the building immediately by following the evacuation procedures. On Discovering a Fire: • Call the Security Control Center (2358 8999) and state clearly the location of the fire. • DO NOT put yourself at risk. You may attempt to extinguish the fire by using suitable firefighting equipment nearby ONLY IF you have learnt how to use the equipment and when the situation is SAFE for you to do so. Make sure that your escape route will not be impeded by the fire. • If the fire gets out of control, close the door and leave the area by following the evacuation procedures. • Raise the alarm by breaking the nearest break-glass point (if the alarm has not yet been activated) and alert people nearby by shouting “FIRE”. EVACUATION PROCEDURES • Evacuate the building by the nearest available staircase/exit. DO NOT use the lifts. • Remain CALM. Walk, DO NOT run. • Go to the nearest assembly areas after you leave the building. DO NOT re-enter the building until permission is given by the Fire Services Department Officer or a senior staff member. Fire Safety Regular fire drills are conducted to familiarize residents with proper fire evacuation procedures. For your own safety, DO cooperate and participate in the drills. • Fire services installation such as detectors, sprinklers and fire extinguishers are there to protect your life. DO NOT interfere with these installations or impede their proper functioning. • Fire doors are there to prevent fire and smoke spread. Keep the doors closed at all time. • DO NOT smoke, cook or light open flame in your room. • DO NOT overload the power supply in your room by plugging too many electrical appliances to the wall socket. • DO NOT use sub-standard electrical equipment or appliances. • DO NOT leave any charger on when you are not inside the room. For more information regarding fire safety, please visit the website of the Fire Services Department: http://www.hkfsd.

28 Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident Weather Warnings in Hong Kong Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) is the alerting authority in Hong Kong to issue the following weather warnings: Typhoon or Rainstorm Preparedness • When there is a typhoon or rainstorm signal, take necessary precautions and make sure all loose items are properly fastened and ALL WINDOWS ARE CLOSED. • When typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, stay INDOORS. All normal activities on campus will stop. Pay particular attention to the provision of catering service on campus as the services may not be available. Do stock up some food when signal No. 3 is hoisted. • When a black rainstorm signal is hoisted, stay INDOORS wherever you are and do not leave the building until the signal is lowered, and you find the condition is SAFE to do so. For catering outlets arrangements during adverse weather conditions, please visit the webpage of Campus Services Office (CSO) at For the most updated information on class/examination arrangements, please refer to the homepage of the Academic Registry (ARO): (General Enquiry: 2623 1111).

Useful Contacts 29 USEFUL CONTACTS Hall Office / Management University Apartments – Management Office 3469 3184 University Apartments – Tower A Service Counter 2358 8164 University Apartments – Tower B Service Counter 2358 8553 UG Hall I & Stephen Kam Chuen Cheong Hall 2358 8501 Jockey Club Global Graduate Tower 2358 6653 Student Housing and Residential Life Office G/F, UG Hall II 2358 6664 Dean of Students’ Office Room 5022, Academic Building (Lift 3) 2358 0842 Medical Clinic Room LG1020 - LG1024 (via lift no. 4) 2358 6670 Stufent Dental Clinic Room LG1018 - LG1019 (via lift no. 4) 2358 8580 Security Control Center Entrance Piazza 2358 6565 Emergency Contacts Emergency Line (24 hours) - Report of top emergencies 2358 8999 Emergency Line (24 hours) - Report of emergencies, request for assistance and enquiries 2358 6565 Building Services Enquiry (24 hours) - Within campus 2358 6465

Campus Map 30 CAMPUS MAP

Campus Map 31

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