PG Resident Handbook 2024/25

9 Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence 11.4, The Residence Master may suspend or terminate, with or without notice, a resident from hall residency when there is reason to believe that the person’s residence will lead to behavior incompatible with the orderly operation of the hall. 11.5, No refund of any hall fees will be made for suspension or termination of residency imposed as a disciplinary action. 11.6, A hall resident or vacation resident may appeal to the Hall Affairs and Operations Committee against any findings of the Residence Master that he/she has violated Hall Rules. The appeal must be in writing and shall specify the grounds for the appeal. 12. Termination and Modification of Hall Offer All rights of occupancy hereby conferred may be terminated at the University’s option of the following: 1. Without cause, upon 30 days’ written notice; OR 2. Immediately if termination is required to protect the health, safety and well-being of the residents, other persons, or the property of the University etc.