PG Resident Handbook 2024/25

Important Matters That You Need to Know as A Resident 24 Telephone [SKCC Hall] A telephone is installed in the hallway of each floor of the SKCC Hall. The telephone is for the joint use by residents in the hall. Be considerate and do not engage in lengthy conversation on the telephone. All telephones are direct lines outside the University telephone system which can neither be used to make international calls nor to receive collect calls. If you want to make international calls, please use the pay-phone next to the Coffee Shop at the Chia-Wei Woo Academic Concourse. Cooking Cooking is allowed ONLY in the kitchenette of each unit in the University Apartments or the kitchen on each floor of GGT. You should clean up the stove, the range hood and the kitchenette EVERY time after cooking. Residents in the University Apartments should check the grease filter of the range hood from time to time and replace it whenever necessary. This helps prevent grease and dirt from accumulating in the kitchenette. REMEMBER to turn off the stove after use. Negligence can be disastrous. Do not leave your food items or kitchenware unattended in common areas. The University or the Hall Management shall not be responsible for any loss of, misuse, or damage to the items. Use microwave oven properly. Incorrect use of microwave oven will cause fire or even explosion. Read the safety instruction sheet posted near the oven carefully. Do NOT cook or reheat food in the bedroom or the living room. The bedrooms and living rooms are fitted with sensitive detectors/sprinklers which can be easily activated by heat. WHILE COOKING • Always turn on the range hood to its highest power level. • To avoid overheating, always adjust the fire level to the adequate level. • When circumstances permit, keep all windows wide open to minimize smoke, heat and steam accumulation. • Close all apartment doors to prevent smoke generated from cooking that may activate smoke detectors in corridors.