UG Resident Handbook 2024-25


Welcome Message 2 Introduction 3 Your Learning Partners 4 Residence Masters (RMs) Residential Life Officers Hall Tutors Student Groups House Students’ Associations Hall Management 5 Student Housing and Residential Life Office (SHRLO) Hall Offices Programs and Activities 6 Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence 8 1 Interpretation 2 Compliance with Terms and Conditions 3 Hall Admission 4 Payment of Hall Charges 5 Privileges of Hall Resident, Vecation Resident and Guest 6 Visitors 7 Responsibility for Injury and Damage 8 Inspection of Rooms 9 Vacating Room and Removal of Property 10 Penalty for Late Check-out 11 Discipline 12 Termination and Modification of Hall Offer Hall Rules 12 1 Occupancy 2 Change of Rooms 3 Identification 4 Key 5 Food 6 Smoking 7 Safety and Fire Hazards 8 Cleanliness 9 Furniture, Fittings and Fixtures 10 Decorations and Display Materials 11 Hallways and Public Areas 12 Dress Code 13 Laundry 14 Drugs 15 Alcohol 16 Gambling 17 Pets 18 Visitors 19 Personal Belongings 20 Commercial Activities 21 Disruptive Actions and Behaviors 22 Interpretation of Rules 23 Breach of Rules General Penalties for Hall Rules Violation Introduction of UG Halls 16 Number of On-campus Hall Places and Room Types Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents Services 18 Security Service Equipment Loan Service Cleaning Service Garbage Disposal Repair and Maintenance Door Opening and Replacement of Keys or Key Cards Mail Hall Facilities 22 Bedrooms Common Rooms Laundry Rooms Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) Common Rooms and Meeting Room Reflection Room Vending Machines Guide of Air-conditioning Service and Laundry Service Payment System Facilities on Campus 24 Restaurants and Cafeterias Computer Barns Medical Clinic and Dental Clinic Sports Facilities Banks Security and Safety 26 Personal Safety Electrical Safety Loss or Theft Prevention Lost and Found Fire Safety and Emergency Response Typhoon or Rainstorm Preparedness Tips on Hall Life 29 How to get along with roommates? How to make hall life more fruitful? How to live a green hall Life? Network Connection Arrival Tips for Exchange Students and Non-local Students Transportation Useful Contacts 33 Campus Map 36

The Hall Management staff would like to extend our warmest welcome to you! Our mission is to provide quality management, facilities, and services to our residents. Working with DSTO (Dean of Students’ Office) and other academic departments, we strive to provide a vibrant and diverse living and learning platform for cultural, recreational, social and academic growth for our residents. Living in the hall community at HKUST will certainly be an amazing experience where you can meet lots of new friends, learn how to live with your roommates, expose to idea that you have never encountered. You may even face obstacles and problems that are difficult to solve. Do not feel desperate, as you are not alone in facing these challenges. Many people within our hall community, including your Residence Masters, peers and hall staff, can offer help and support. You are welcome to speak out and discuss with us in order to find ways to cope with difficulties. This is also a transition of becoming an independent and responsible individual. The student halls are close to lecture theatres and classrooms, and you can easily access various campus resources. Our office offers a variety of programs that stimulates both educational and social development. You are also encouraged to join activities organized by your Residence Master and hall staff. We are sure that it will be an unforgettable experience for you to be involved in the hall life at HKUST! Welcome Message 2 Welcome Message

3 Introduction The University believes in total and holistic education. Students are encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities and to engage in athletic and cultural activities as participants rather than spectators. Residential living on campus is an important means in achieving the educational purpose and development of - interpersonal skills - breadth of interests and - organizational and leadership abilities The main objective of this handbook is to provide basic information about Undergraduate Halls to all residents with a view to facilitating them in deriving maximum benefit from residential life. The architects and the builders have created for us the physical environment in form of rooms, common areas and others. It will be you, the residents, through your stay in the hall and participation in activities that will give life and character to the residential environment. Do make good use of the handbook to explore the facilities and services available. At the same time, do ask yourself in what way, through your participation, efforts, creativity, cooperation, acceptance and others, you can contribute to the creation of an environment that will bring educational benefit to all. Halls play a special role in campus life. Being more than a place to sleep and study, halls provide an opportunity for you to make friends with students from other Schools, and to experience a true sense of community. Each student should act responsibly and honorably, and to hold fellow students to the same standard. Introduction

4 Your Learning Partners Prof. Kam Wing SIU, UG Hall I Prof. Ben CHAN, UG Hall II Prof. Frank LAM, UG Hall V UG Hall IV (Acting) Prof. Chii SHANG, UG Hall VII Prof. Chi Keung TANG, UG Hall VIII Prof. Ronald LAU, UG Hall III Prof. Marshal LIU, UG Hall VI Prof. Garvin Percy DIAS, UG Hall IX Residence Masters (RMs) Halls are under the overall-in-charge of the Residence Masters who provide intellectual guidance and pastoral care to residents; organize activities/ programs that aim at enhancing residential life experience of residents; and resolve conflicts and handle disciplinary matters of the hall. In the undergraduate halls, each Residence Master is assisted by a Residential Life Officer and a team of Hall Tutors who are Postgraduate students. Your Learning Partners

5 Hall Management Residential Life Officers Residential Life Officers are full-time residential staff who take care of the needs of the residents and provides administrative support to the Residence Masters. They also assist the RMs to plan and organize programs and activities, aiming to enrich students’ residential life and assist with students’ holistic development. Hall Tutors Hall Tutors are postgraduate students of the University who assist the Residence Masters in the provision of pastoral care and intellectual guidance to hall residents as well as in the organization of activities. Student Groups Student groups are formed by residents of UG Halls VI, VII, VIII and IX to organize student activities for hall residents. They work with the Residence Masters and Residential Life Officers to cultivate a fun, enriching and rewarding hall living experience. The names of these student groups are: - Connection Team in UG Hall VI - Leadership Team in UG Hall VII - Organizing Team in UG Halls VIII & IX House Students’ Associations In each of UG Halls I-V, there is a House Students’ Association formed by residents and students who work closely with the Residence Masters, Residential Life Officers and Hall Tutors to organize activities and promote participation residential life among their members. The names of five House Student’s Associations are: - The Undergraduate House One Student’s Association, HKUSTSU - VERTEX, House II Students’ Association, HKUSTSU - Glacier, House III Students’ Association, HKUSTSU - Vista, House IV Students’ Association, HKUSTSU - Endeavour, House V Students’ Association, HKUSTSU Student Housing and Residential Life Office (SHRLO) SHRLO is in charge of the overall management of student halls, including admission, residential life programs, hall operations and off-campus housing. A team of full-time staff including Residential Life Officer and hall attendants are present and responsible for managing the daily operation of the hall, including resident services and facility management. Hall Offices open from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (except from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.) daily, including weekends and public holidays. After the office hours, only security staff will be stationed at the Service Counter to provide services. Hall Management

6 Programs and Activities Programs and Activities Student halls provide an environment where students can enhance their capacity for growth socially, interpersonally, intellectually, and physically. While students can learn spontaneously through informal interactions and conversations, we provide structured programs and build up intentional community to bring the learning experience to the next level.

7 Programs and Activities The Student Housing and Residential Life Office (SHRLO) brings various stakeholders together to cultivate a supportive and learning-stimulating environment. Each student hall has a unique plan on activities deliberately planned by Residence Master and staff. Students’ groups and associations within the halls also play a vital role in making students’ experience a fun and rewardable one. Supplemented by activities that are made available across the halls, students get the most out of their stay, regardless the length.

Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence Activities Hall-based Activities Residence Masters and staff design for each hall a year-round activity plan. Students are warmly welcomed in orientation activities in the beginning of the semester. Throughout the term, learning-stimulating activities based on the aspiration of each hall will be rolled out to enhance individual growth, and encourage meaningful interactions among hall residents. Residence Masters strive to offer exciting and rewarding residential programs and activities to all residents. Through this mechanism, comprehensive learning experience to each student is achieved. Students may involve voluntarily in activities that enhance cultural awareness, social responsibilities, eco-awareness, physical fitness, and other personal growth elements. Student-led Activities SHRLO fosters leadership and responsibility in our students by supporting and collaborating with student groups and associations within the halls. In each of UG Halls I to V, a House Students’ Association is established to promote residential life. There are resident-elected student groups in UG Halls VI to IX that organize activities for their residents. 8 Programs and Activities

9 Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence 1 Interpretation In these Terms and Conditions: 1.1 “Hall(s)” means all residential accommodation for students under the management of the University. 1.2 “Residence Master” means a person appointed by the Dean of Students to take charge of the Hall. 1.3 “Hall Management” means a team of management and executive staff appointed by the Dean of Students to perform functions and duties in relation to the residential life education and/or facilities management and operation of the Halls. 1.4 “Hall Resident” means a student of the University who is staying or has accepted an offer of residence in a Hall admitted under the hall admission policies for the time being in force. 1.5 “Vacation Resident” means any person, other than the Hall Management and Hall Tutors, who is staying or has accepted an offer of residence in a Hall admitted by the Head of Student Housing and Residential Life Office under regulations and procedures for summer programs approved by the University. 1.6 “Guest” means a person who is allowed to stay overnight in a Hall upon the successful purchasing of a Guest Pass by a registered resident of the Hall. 1.7 "Visitor" means a person who is allowed to enter a Hall upon registration by an official resident of the Hall. 2 Compliance with Terms and Conditions A hall resident, vacation resident, guest and visitor shall observe and comply with these Terms and Conditions, with the Hall Rules, with any reasonable order of the Residence Master, and whenever appropriate with the general regulations of the University.

3 Hall Admission 3.1 Application for hall residence shall be made in the manner prescribed by the University. Provision of false information in the application may lead to disqualification of the application and/or disciplinary action. 3.2 Head of Student Housing and Residential Life Office shall, in accordance with regulations and procedures approved by the University and the Hall Admissions and Selection Committee, admit vacation residents for such period as he/ she may decide appropriate. 4 Payment of Hall Charges Each hall resident or vacation resident shall pay the hall charges in accordance with the rates of charges and the general conditions and methods of payment for the time being in force. 5 Privileges of Hall Resident, Vacation Resident and Guest A hall resident, vacation resident, or guest who has paid all appropriate hall charges or who has purchased a Guest Pass or who has been permitted to make a deferred payment of these, shall, subject to the provisions of clause 11.4 be entitled to reside in the hall and use its facilities during the paid period. Use of other facilities outside the hall premise is not an entitlement of hall residence. 6 Visitors 6.1 A hall resident or vacation resident may invite visitors to the hall subject to Hall Rules. 6.2 A hall resident may hold overnight guest in the hall subject to Hall Rules. 6.3 The Residence Master may prohibit any visitor or any person not being a hall resident, vacation resident or guest from entering the hall, ask him/her to leave the hall, or permit him/her to remain on the premises at any time. 6.4 The Residence Master may blacklist a guest who has violated the Hall Rules and forbid him/her from entering the premises at any time. 7 Responsibility for Injury and Damage 7.1 The hall resident, vacation resident or guest shall make good or pay on demand for any damage to furniture, fittings, fabric and property of the hall for which he/she is responsible, fair wear and tear excepted. In case of shared facilities in resident rooms or apartments, it is the joint responsibility of all those sharing the use of the facilities concerned to make good or pay on demand for the damages. 7.2 The University or, the Hall Management shall not be responsible for any loss of damage to any property, goods, articles or things whatsoever brought into the hall by the hall resident, vacation resident or guest. 10 Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence

11 Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence 8 Inspection of Rooms The Residence Master or executive staff of the University reserves the right to authorize entry into any rooms in the hall with or without prior notification to ensure proper care, maintenance and safety of the facilities; to make necessary repairs; and to investigate violations of Hall Rules. Efforts will be made to give advance notice when room entry is necessary. 9 Vacating Room and Removal of Property Immediately after the termination of residency, a hall resident or vacation resident shall vacate the room and remove all personal property in the room. Any personal property found after the termination of residency will be removed and the Hall Management may at his/her discretion dispose of or sell out such property and in such event, the proceeds of sale will be paid into the revenue of the hall account. The University shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to such property. 10 Penalty for Late Check-out A fixed penalty of HK$100 per person per night plus the hall charges incurred due to late check-out will be levied on those who fail to observe the check-out date as stipulated on the Offer Letter and vacate the student hall on time. Both charges continue to apply until the resident concerned completes the proper check-out procedures by returning all keys to the hall attendants AND sign on the check-out record. 11 Discipline 11.1 The Residence Master may, in accordance with authorities vested in him/her by the University, take disciplinary actions against any hall resident or vacation resident for violation of Terms and Conditions of Hall Residence and Hall Rules. 11.2 The Residence Master may confiscate any appliances or items which according to Hall Rules are not allowed to be brought into the hall without permission, or any equipment used in such a way as to disturb or endanger others. 11.3 The Residence Master may impose a fine on any person who is not a hall resident or a vacation resident and who is found in the Hall without prior permission after the time for the departure of visitors from the hall as laid down in the Hall Rules. 11.4 The Residence Master may suspend or terminate, with or without notice, a resident from hall residency when there is reason to believe that the person’s residence will lead to behavior incompatible with the orderly operation of the hall. 11.5 No refund of any hall fees will be made for suspension or termination of residency imposed as a disciplinary action. 11.6 A hall resident or vacation resident may appeal to the Hall Affairs and Operations Committee against any findings of the Residence Master that he/she has violated hall rules. The appeal must be in writing and shall specify the grounds for the appeal. 12 Termination and Modification of Hall Offer All rights of occupancy hereby conferred may be terminated at the University’s option of the following: 1. Without cause, upon 30 days’ written notice; OR 2. Immediately if termination is required to protect the health, safety and well-being of the residents, other persons, or the property of the University etc. For more details and the most updated information, please visit SHRLO website at .

1 Occupancy Accommodation in the Hall is provided to assigned residents for the specific purpose of personal residence only. Use of the premises for any other purpose (e.g. giving to another person to reside in, storage, etc.) is prohibited. 2 Change of Rooms Change of rooms is not allowed except with permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. Residents found changing rooms privately will be penalized as appropriate. 3 Identification Proof of identity of any person present in the Hall may be requested by the member of the Hall Management or any person appointed by the Hall Management. Those who fail to present proof of residence will be asked to leave the Hall or will result in penalties. 4 Key A resident shall be responsible for the room key / key card assigned for his/her use. A room key / key card is not to be duplicated, loaned or furnished to anyone else. 5 Food Preparation, reheating and cooking of food is only allowed in the areas designated for such purposes. 6 Smoking The University is a non-smoking campus. Smoking is not allowed in the entire University campus, or in any part of the Hall premises. 7 Safety and Fire Hazards 7.1 Possession of any items or chemicals (e.g. weapons, explosives, highly combustible materials, etc.) that are potentially dangerous or damaging is prohibited. 7.2 Open flames, including candles and incense, are prohibited in any part of the Hall premises. 7.3 Interference of fire service devices is prohibited. 8 Cleanliness It is the responsibility of the resident to keep his/her room clean and tidy and the joint responsibitily of all residents in the Hall to keep the common area of the Hall (including apartments in UG Hall VIII, UG Hall IX and Jockey Club Hall) in a clean and tidy condition. Hall Rules 12 Hall Rules

13 Hall Rules 9 Furniture, Fittings and Fixtures 9.1 A resident shall not interfere with existing fixtures and fittings or install new utilities or fittings, without the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. 9.2 A resident shall not affix any glue, scotch-tape, gum-paper, nails, spikes, tacks or any other thing on or drive the same into any wall or floor or any fixture, fittings or furniture in any part of the Hall premises without the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. 9.3 Furniture and equipment of the Hall must not be moved away from the Hall or moved from one room to another except with the permission of the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. 9.4 A fixed penalty of HK$500 will be levied on residents who damaged and/or tampered with any fixture, fittings or furniture. In addition, residents involved will be responsible to bear the cost of making good of the damaged and/or tampered with item(s). 10 Decorations and Display Materials 10.1 Decorations and display materials are allowed to be put onto designated notice boards or places as permitted by the Student Housing and Residential Life Office. 10.2 Decoration and display materials on bedroom doors and other areas inside the Hall are normally allowed, provided that they do not deface surfaces, impose safety risk or cause disturbance to any other residents. Prior approval from the Student Housing and Residential Life Office is required. 10.3 Decorations or display materials which deface surfaces or cause obstructions are prohibited. 11 Hallways and Public Areas 11.1 According to the Fire Safety Regulations of Hong Kong, hallways, walkways, stairs and other public areas (e.g. common rooms, lobbies, etc.) are to be kept clear of equipment, furniture, trash and any other obstacles that might obstruct passage. Items found in these areas will be confiscated and discarded at the expense of the resident who is responsible without prior notice. 11.2 Common rooms are for the use of all residents. Any activity that obstructs others to use the common room is strictly prohibited. 12 Dress Code A resident shall be properly attired, T-shirt, shorts and sandals are the minimum requirements in any common areas of the Hall premises.

14 Hall Rules 13 Laundry 13.1 Washing of clothes should only be performed in the laundry room. 13.2 Residents should make use of the dryers in the laundry room to dry their clothes as far as possible; if hang-dry is required, it can only be performed in the designated drying area outside the Hall premises. 13.3 Laundry found hanging from the ceiling in public areas or outside the windows of the bedrooms will be confiscated and discarded without prior notice. 14 Drugs A resident shall not bring into the Hall or permit to be brought into his/her room any dangerous drugs as defined in Section 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134). 15 Alcohol Consumption or storage of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in all student halls. 16 Gambling A resident shall not engage in any gambling whatsoever in the Hall or permit such gambling to take place in his/her room. 17 Pets A resident shall not bring or maintain pets, animals, birds or fish of any kind in the Hall premises. 18 Visitors 18.1 A resident may invite visitors to the Hall during the visitor hours, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. 18.2 Visitors who would like to stay overnight in the student halls are REQUIRED to purchase a Guest Pass. Details maybe found at: 18.3 All visitors must be accompanied by their hosts during their stay in the hall. Visitors who are not accompanied by a host will be asked to leave the Hall. 18.4 The host resident will be held responsible for any misconduct or actions taken by his/her visitor(s) during their stay in the Hall, including disciplinary actions or fines, as considered appropriate by the Residence Master. 19 Personal Belongings Personal belongings should be placed in student bedrooms. A resident shall not place large personal items in common areas (e.g. common rooms in UG Halls, living room in apartments in Jockey Club Hall, etc.). 20 Commercial Activities Commercial activities and promotion are prohibited in the Hall.

15 Hall Rules 21 Disruptive Actions and Behaviors 21.1 Actions or behaviors that disturb other residents or the orderly operation of the Hall; or that threatens the health and safety of self or other residents; or that unreasonably interfere with other residents’ normal use of facilities; or that cause nuisance (e.g. getting drunk and defiling public facilities, entering the bedrooms of other residents without their consent, failing to settle proper taxi fare, triggering false fire alarm, etc.) to campus users are prohibited. 21.2 A fixed penalty of HK$500 plus other incurred charges, if any (e.g. taxi fare, etc.) will be levied on residents who were found breaching clause 21.1 21.3 Students found abusing the Guest Pass scheme or violating Hall Rules (e.g. visitors staying illegally without a valid Guest Pass) are subject to a fixed penalty of HK$500 and other disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate, including but not limited to termination of hall residence, banned from future hall application(s) and residence for rest of study, blacklisted from the scheme, and payment for making good of damaged facilities or any incurred charges. Disciplinary cases will be brought to the Residence Master for deliberation. 22 Interpretation of Rules The Residence Master and the Hall Affairs and Operations Committee shall have the authority to interpret these Rules. 23 Breach of Rules If anyone fails to observe the Hall Rules, the Residence Master may impose penalties, including suspension or termination of hall residency and/or disciplinary actions, on the resident or host resident of the visitor. General Penalties for Hall Rules Violation * This table is for reference only. The Residence Master shall have the authority to interpret the Hall Rules and may take disciplinary actions against any hall resident or visitors in accordance with authorities vested in him/her by the University. For more details and the most updated information, please visit our website at . Most Serious Offenses Examples: • Hall place trading • Usage or storage of illegal drugs in hall • Damage of security or safety devices with malicious intent Possible Penalties (Zero tolerance) • Immediate termination of hall place • Disqualified from all future hall applications • Banned from entering all student halls for the rest of study at HKUST • HASC and School/Department will be notified • Remedial action and/or penalty charge Serious Offenses Examples: • Unauthorized room swapping • Misuse of student card for illegal hall entry • Causing significant nuisance • Smoking and/or alcohol consumption or storage • Overnight visitors without proper check-in • Gambling Possible penalties for 1st Offense For residents: • Warning letter • Remedial action and/or penalty charge (e.g. $500 for smoking) For non-residents (visitors): • Warning letter • Banned from entering a particular student hall for up to six months • Escorted out of the hall immediately Possible penalties for 2nd Offense For residents: • Immediate termination of hall place • Disqualified from any hall application in the subsequent year For non-residents (visitors): • Banned from entering all student halls for up to one year • Escorted out of the hall immediately • Disqualified from future hall application in the subsequent year Possible penalties for 1st Offense • Verbal warning on record • Remedial action and/or penalty charge (e.g. the cost of fixing any damage of facilities) Possible penalties for 2nd Offense • Same as 1st offense under “Serious Offenses” Minor Offenses Examples: • Removing furniture without permission • Inappropriate decoration or display materials

Introduction of UG Halls 16 Introduction of UG Halls We pride ourselves on having a wide variety of room types for students to choose from with 2,976 places in double or triple rooms for UG students in UG Halls I to VI and 1,568 places in single or double rooms for UG students in Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Hall (UG Hall VII), UG Hall VIII and UG Hall IX and Jockey Club Hall. Hall I Hall II Hall III Hall IV Hall V Hall VI Hall VII Hall VIII Hall IX

Number of On-campus Hall Places and Room Types UG HALL I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Available Places 554 424 473 471 460 594 356 360 338 Bunk Bed Room  Apartment-Type Single Room # # Single Room  @ Double Room       *  *  * Triple Room     # Toilets and bathrooms in Apartment-Type Single Rooms in UG Halls VIII and IX are shared by 6 residents. @ Toilets and bathrooms in Single Rooms in UG Hall VII are shared by 2 residents. * Toilets and bathrooms in Double Rooms in UG Halls VII, VIII and IX are shared by 4 residents. 17 Introduction of UG Halls Location Map For more details and the most updated information, please visit our website at

The Hall Offices are open from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily to provide services to all residents in relation to living in the Hall. Security Service To ensure the safety of residents, a security guard is stationed at the entrance of each hall 24 hours for checking identity. Equipment Loan Service Residents can borrow electric irons, laundry baskets, vacuum cleaners, dehumidifier and trolleys from the Hall Offices. Cleaning Service All common areas including toilets/shower rooms, common rooms, pantries, hallways and lift lobbies will be cleaned by hall attendants and contract cleaners. Please keep your own room clean and maintain all common areas tidy and hygienic. Services 18 Services

Garbage Disposal Hall attendants and contract cleaners will remove garbage from the public garbage bins regularly. Please be considerate and help maintain a hygienic environment by clearing your own garbage or unwanted items. Please put the garbage in plastic bags, tie them up properly and place them in the public garbage bins on your floor. Large items should be disposed at the refuse chute directly. 19 Services

Repair and Maintenance If you find any defects or damages in your room, you should: • Complete the Defect Report Form by scanning this QR code; OR • Report to the Service Counter directly. Repair and maintenance will be arranged. Door Opening and Replacement of Key Residents will be charged at $10 per request for door opening service. In case of loss or damage of key / key card, report to the Security Control Center and Hall Office immediately. Replacement of key / key card will be charged at $100 each. Replacement of key card holder will be charged at $10 each. 20 Services

Time : 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. (Mondays – Fridays) Closed (Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays) Location : Room 2615 (2/F, near Lift 31 & 32) Telephone : 2358 6333 Services : The counter handles generall mail service, parcel orders, selling of postage stamps and others. The maximum weight of parcel order to be handled at the counter is 5kg. Orders involve commercial goods of activities with business nature will not be served. Post boxes are available both outside the Leung Yat Sing Lecture Theatre (LT-F) and CMA Lecture Theatre (LT-L). [Mail Service by Campus Services Office:] 21 Services Mail • Ordinary Mail - Mail is delivered to the Hall daily except Sundays and Public Holidays. You may collect mail from the assigned mail box. - You are reminded to check your mails regularly and clear out any accumulated mail. You are also reminded to notify relevant others of your change of correspondence address prior to your check-out. The Hall Management is unable to provide any mail forwarding service. Any undelivered mails will be returned to the Post Office if appropriate. The Hall Management shall not be responsible for loss of mails, if any. • Registered Mail or Parcel - In order to protect the privacy and interests of every resident, please note that staff of the Hall Office would not receive registered mails/parcels or other items delivered by the Post Office or courier which require the confirmation by the recipient. - For your information, the postman usually delivers registered mails/parcels to the hall in the early afternoon on weekdays. In case the mails/parcels cannot be delivered to you, the postman or courier is required to leave you the contact information. You can call and work out another delivery time with the postman or courier so that the mails/parcels can be delivered to you at the pre-arranged time period and location, and you need not go to the Post Office or courier company to collect the item in person. • Outgoing Mail You may use mailing services of the Postal Counter. You are required to use your own stamps as appropriate for outgoing mail. The details are as follows:

Bedrooms All bedrooms are fully furnished and air-conditioned. Each bedroom is equipped with a small refrigerator, table(s), chair(s) and wardrobe(s). A furniture list will be given upon check-in. Common Rooms Common Rooms with pantries are located on each floor. They are equipped with basic home furniture, TVs, refrigerators, hot and cold drinking fountains and microwave ovens for residents’ use. Laundry Rooms Each Laundry Room is equipped with washing machines, dryers and a scale. • Locations: UG Hall I and SKCC Hall: Next to the car park of SKCC Hall UG Hall II: 2/F UG Halls III – IX: G/F • Price: Laundry with detergent provided: $9 Laundry with no detergent provided: $8 Dryer: $1 for 4 minutes 22 Hall Facilities Hall Facilities

Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) MPH is located on G/F of UG Hall VII and designated for holding RM-led activities. Common Rooms and Meeting Room The following venues can be reserved for student-led activities, meetings, practices, and social gatherings: * Common Room 4 in UG Hall II * Common Room 5+6 in UG Hall VI * Meeting Room 6 in UG Hall VI For more details on booking procedures, eligibility, and other information, please visit the webpage of the Student Support and Activities Team (SSA): Vending Machines Vending machines offering soft drinks and snacks are located outside the Dining Hall of UG Hall VIII and at the entrance of UG Hall IX. Guide of Air-conditioning Service and Laundry Service Payment System The Air-conditioning Service Payment System and Laundry Service Payment System offer residents a convenient way to operate air-conditioners and laundry machines and add pre-loaded credit to the machines through different online electronic payment methods. Reflection Room Reflection Room’ located on UG/F in UG Hall IX ,is available for prayer and reflection for all faiths. It is open 24 hours. Residents who wish to use the Reflection Room are required to complete a registration form and email it to Applicants will receive a confirmation email in 3 working days. For more details and to download the registration form, please visit: 23 Hall Facilities For more details and instructions on how to use the systems, please visit our website at or approach respective hall counter for assistance. You are highly recommended to familiarize yourself with the systems before use. Air-conditioning Service Air-conditioning Payment System There are 2 ways to access the student control panel: 1. Via URL:, or scan the QR code below: 2. Via HKUST Student App (Select “Residential Life” under “Easy Living”): Laundry Service Payment System There are 2 ways to access the student control panel: Air-conditioning Service 1. Via URL:, or scan the QR code below: 2. Via HKUST Student App Select “Laundry” under “Easy Living”):

Restaurants and Cafeterias There are restaurants and cafeterias operated by external caterers offering a wide range of food and beverage on campus. Facilities on Campus 24 Facilities on Campus Please refer to the following website for the latest opening hours: facilities/computer-barn . Apart from going to the above computer barns, you can also access computer barn software and satellite printers anywhere anytime by connecting to virtual barn desktops from your own notebook/tablet and mobile phone. Computer Barns There are three physical computer barns on campus area, all equipped with PCs, run by ITSC providing printing and scanning services. Computer Barn A Computer Barn B Tang Shiu Kin Computational Laboratory Computer Barn C Virtual Barn Room 4402 – 4404 (Lifts 17 – 18) Room 1101 (Lifts 17 – 18) Room 4578 (Lifts 27 – 28) Computer Barns Locations Opening Hours • Starbucks Coffee (Atrium) • China Garden (G/F, Academic Building) • Can.teen II (LG1, Academic Building) • McDonald’s & McCafe (LG5, Academic Building) • Asia Pacific Catering (LG7, Academic Building) • Gold Rice Bowl (LG7, Academic Building) • Tam Chai Yunnan Noodles (LG7, Academic Building) • Oliver’s Super Sandwiches (LG7, Academic Building) • Passione (1/F, Concourse, Academic Building) • Hungry Korean (1/F, Concourse, Academic Building) • American Diner (1/F, Concourse, Academic Building) • Diners@LSKBB (G/F, LSK Business Building) • Pacific Coffee (G/F, LSK Business Building) • Ebeneezer’s (G/F, LSK Business Building) • HFT Life (G/F, The Shaw Auditorium) • Subway (G/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building) • UniBistro & Bar (G/F, Lo Ka Chung University Center) • UniQue (2/F, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Kenneth Li Conference Lodge) • Seafront Cafeteria (G/F, Jockey Club Tower (UG Hall VI)) For opening hours and menus, please visit the website of Campus Services Office (CSO):

25 Facilities on Campus Medical Clinic and Dental Clinic The University provides medical and dental services to students. Full-time students can use the Medical Clinic and the Student Dental Clinic upon presenting their HKUST Cards. The Medical Clinic and the Student Dental Clinic, located at LG1 (Lift 4) are managed by the Health, Safety and Environment Office (HSEO). For more information, please visit: Enquiry Medical Clinic: 2358 6670 Student Dental Clinic: 2358 8580 Sports Facilities There is a wide range of sports facilities such as indoor/outdoor swimming pools, soccer pitch, indoor/outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts and gymnasiums. Banks There are two banks, namely Bank of China and Hang Seng Bank, both located at the Entrance Piazza. Opening hours are Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..

Security and Safety Personal Safety • Keep your room LOCKED whenever you leave or when you are sleeping. • Inform hall attendants of the Hall Office immediately if you find any suspicious person or activities in the halls. • If you plan to leave Hong Kong for a while, it would be advisable to inform others of your whereabouts and contact information, e.g. your fellow schoolmates, roommate, or the Hall Office. Electrical Safety To avoid electrical accident, here are the safety tips on using electricity: • Avoid using extension units or universal adaptors. • Use the extension cords on a temporary basis only when necessary. • Use only electrical appliances that meet safety standard for use in Hong Kong. • Keep electrical appliances away from water. To learn more about electricity safety, please visit the website of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department: . Loss or Theft Prevention • DO NOT keep large sums of money, jewellery or valuable items in the room. • DO NOT leave any valuables unattended. Report any loss or theft to the Hall Office immediately. 26 Security and Safety

Lost and Found Any lost property found in the hall should be handed in to the Security Control Center of the University immediately. Fire Safety and Emergency Response • On Hearing the Fire Alarm: - Leave the building immediately by following the evacuation procedures. • On Discovering a Fire: - Call the Security Control Center (2358 8999) and state clearly the location of the fire. - DO NOT put yourself at risk. You may attempt to extinguish the fire by using suitable firefighting equipment nearby ONLY IF you have learnt how to use the equipment and when the situation is SAFE for you to do so. Make sure that your escape route will not be impeded by the fire. - If the fire gets out of control, close the door and leave the area by following the evacuation procedures. - Raise the alarm by breaking the nearest break-glass point (if the alarm has not yet been activated) and alert people nearby by shouting “FIRE”. EVACUATION PROCEDURES • Evacuate the building by the nearest available staircase/exit. DO NOT use the lifts. • Remain Calm. Walk, DO NOT run. • Go to the nearest assembly areas after you leave the building. • DO NOT re-enter the building until permission is given by the Fire Services Department Officer or a senior staff member. 27 Security and Safety

• Fire Safety - Regular fire drills are being conducted to familiarize residents with proper fire evacuation procedures. For your own safety, DO cooperate and participate in the drills. - Fire services installation such as detectors, sprinklers and fire extinguishers are there to protect your life. DO NOT interfere with these installations or impede their proper functioning. - Fire doors are there to prevent fire and smoke spread. Keep the doors closed at all time. - DO NOT smoke, cook or light open flame in your room. - DO NOT overload the power supply in your room by plugging too many electrical appliances to the wall socket. - DO NOT use sub-standard electrical equipment or appliances. - DO NOT leave any charger on when you are not inside the room. For more information regarding fire safety, please refer to the website of Fire Services Department: Typhoon and Rainstorm Preparedness • When there is a typhoon or rainstorm signal, take necessary precautions and make sure all loose items are properly fastened and ALL WINDOWS ARE CLOSED. • When typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, stay INDOORS. All normal activities on campus will stop. Pay particular attention to the provision of catering service on campus as the services may not be available. Do stock up some food when signal No. 3 is hoisted. • When a black rainstorm signal is hoisted, stay INDOORS wherever you are and do not leave the building until the signal is lowered, and you find the condition is SAFE to do so. For catering outlets arrangements during adverse weather conditions, please visit the webpage of Campus Services Office (CSO) at For the most updated information on class/examination arrangements, please refer to the homepage of Academic Registry (ARO): (General Enquiry: 2623 1111). 28 Security and Safety

How to Get Along with Roommates? Living with roommate(s) and hall mates from different backgrounds is not a simple task. Efforts need to be made to create a harmonious living environment. Self-introduction upon Moving-in: Introduce yourself and get to know each other. Work out an Agreement: It is better to share and agree with roommate(s) what you prefer and the “bottom line”. Room Hygiene and Quiet Hours: Keep your room and common area of the apartment clean and tidy. During quiet hours (11 p.m. to 7 a.m.), noise, conversations, or music from the grounds should not be heard by residents or disturb residents in their bedrooms or apartments. Mutual Understanding and Respect: Do not assume your roommate(s) have the same habits or lifestyle like yours. Respect theirs as they respect yours and learn to accommodate each other. Have an open conversation with them and make the corresponding adjustment. How to Make Hall Life More Fruitful? Meet your Residential Life Officer and Hall Tutors: Find out who they are and tell them your expectations. Take Part in Activities: Various kinds of hall activities and SHRLO-led programs are organized for you to meet and to learn from your hall mates and residents in other halls. Organize Activities: Grasp the opportunity to plan events for your fellow hall mates to share and to learn. Tips on Hall Life 29 Tips on Hall Life

30 Tips on Hall Life Network Connection The Residential Network (ResNet) is the service provided by the Information Technology and Services Center (ITSC). Both Wired ResNet and Wireless ResNet are available for hall residents. Set-up Guide for Wired ResNet: Set-up Guide for Wireless ResNet: How to Live a Green Hall Life? • Switch off light, air conditioner and other electronic appliances when they are not in use. • Reduce water wastage by turning off dripping taps. • Reduce water consumption by spending less time in the shower. • Recycling paper, clothes and other resources whenever possible. • Support the environmental friendly programs and activities organized by Student Housing and Residential Life and Hall Office. • Get loaded when doing laundry, it takes less energy to do one big load than two smaller ones. • Reduce the need for ironing by taking clothes out of the dryer slightly damp and hanging them up. • Make effective use of any used item(s) and donate item(s) to people in need via charitable organization such as: Hong Kong Red Cross (Tel 2802 0021; Email: The Salvation Army HK (Tel 2332 4433; Email: Po Leung Kuk (Tel 2277 8352; Email;

31 Tips on Hall Life

32 Tips on Hall Life Arrival Tips for Exchange Students and Non-local Students • Applying for Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) If you are staying in Hong Kong for more than 180 days, you are abide by the law to apply for a HKID within 30 days upon arrival. Please visit for more details. • Acquiring an Student Octopus Card (MTR Student Travel Scheme) The Octopus Card is a convenient and widely applied electronic stored value card which can be used on the majority of public transport, supermarkets and fast food restaurants. To find out more about the student Octopus Card, please visit . • Opening a Bank Account There are two banks on campus – Bank of China and Hang Seng Bank. Please approach the staff members of the above banks for more information.

Transportation To Choi Hung MTR (Station: HKUST South Gate) - Bus No. 91, 91P, 91M - Green mini-bus No. 11, 11S (overnight service) To Diamond Hill MTR, Hollywood Plaza (Station: HKUST South Gate) - Bus No. 91, 91M To Ngau Tau Kok MTR (Station: HKUST South Gate) - Green mini-bus No. 104 To Sai Kung (Station: HKUST North Gate) - Bus No. 792M - Green mini-bus No. 12, 1S (overnight service) To Hang Hau MTR, East Point City (Station: HKUST North Gate) - Bus No. 91M - Green mini-bus No. 11, 11M, 11S (overnight service) To Po Lam MTR, Metro City - Bus No. 91M, Green mini-bus No. 12 (Station: HKUST North Gate) - Green mini-bus No. 11S (overnight service) (Station: HKUST South Gate) To Tseung Kwan O / Tiu Keng Leng MTR (Station: HKUST North Gate) - Bus No. 792M To Hong Kong International Airport Transportation Options - Red Taxi (HKUST  Hong Kong International Airport) Estimated Travel Time: 40 minutes - Bus Number 91M (HKUST  Po Lam) + Bus Number A29 (Po Lam  Hong Kong International Airport) Estimated Travel Time: 15 + 100 minutes 33 Tips on Hall Life

Housing Officers Mr Sam CHEUNG Deputy Head (Student Housing & Residential Life) 2358 5702 Mr Don TSANG Assistant Manager 2358 8152 Residence Masters Prof. Kam Wing SIU UG Hall I 2358 7617 Prof. Ben CHAN UG Hall II 2358 8226 Prof. Ronald LAU UG Hall III 2358 8348 Prof. Frank LAM (Acting) UG Hall IV 2358 7239 Prof. Frank LAM UG Hall V (PG Hall II) 2358 7239 Prof. Prof. Marshal LIU UG Hall VI 2358 8409 Prof. Chii SHANG CSK Hall (UG Hall VII) 2358 7885 Prof. Chi Keung TANG UG Hall VIII 2358 8775 Prof. Garvin Percy DIAS UG Hall IX 2358 7654 Residential Life Officers Ms Kace LAI UG Hall I / SKCC Hall 3469 3168 Ms Wience NG UG Hall II / UG Hall VII 2358 5824 / 2358 8681 Mr Eddy TSANG UG Hall III 2358 8691 Ms Sherice WONG UG Hall IV / UG Hall VI 3469 2446 / 2358 8263 Mr Hugo KAN UG Hall V 2358 8558 Mr Bill YIP UG Halls VIII / UG Hall IX 2358 8174 Mr Paul MAK University Apartments (Towers A&B) 2358 8107 Mr Sunny TSEUNG Jockey Club Global Graduate Tower 2358 8644 Ms Dora KOO Jockey Club Hall 2750 0007 Mr Alan HO 3469 2078 Mr Raiden SO 3469 2519 Ms Chloe WONG 3469 2464 Useful Contacts 34 Useful Contacts

Hall Offices UG Hall I & Stephen Kam Chuen Cheong Hall 2358 8501 UG Hall II 2358 8683 UG Hall III 2358 8693 UG Hall IV 2358 8611 UG Hall V (PG Hall II) 3469 3185 UG Hall VI 3469 2445 UG Hall VII 2358 5825 UG Hall VIII 2358 8163 UG Hall IX 2358 8105 Student Housing and Residential Life Office G/F, UG Hall II 2358 6664 Dean of Students’ Office Room 5022, 5/F, Academic Building (Lift 3) 2358 0842 Medical Clinic Room LG1020 - LG1024 (via lift no. 4) 2358 6670 Student Dental Clinic Room LG1018 - LG1019 (via lift no. 4) 2358 8580 Security Control Center Entrance Piazza 2358 6565 Emergency Contacts Emergency Line (24 hours) - Report of top emergencies 2358 8999 Emergency Line (24 hours) - Report of emergencies, request for assistance and enquiries 2358 6565 Building Services Enquiry (24 hours) - Within campus 2358 6465 Useful Contacts 35 Useful Contacts

36 Campus Map Campus Map
