UG Resident Handbook 2024-25

Security and Safety Personal Safety • Keep your room LOCKED whenever you leave or when you are sleeping. • Inform hall attendants of the Hall Office immediately if you find any suspicious person or activities in the halls. • If you plan to leave Hong Kong for a while, it would be advisable to inform others of your whereabouts and contact information, e.g. your fellow schoolmates, roommate, or the Hall Office. Electrical Safety To avoid electrical accident, here are the safety tips on using electricity: • Avoid using extension units or universal adaptors. • Use the extension cords on a temporary basis only when necessary. • Use only electrical appliances that meet safety standard for use in Hong Kong. • Keep electrical appliances away from water. To learn more about electricity safety, please visit the website of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department: . Loss or Theft Prevention • DO NOT keep large sums of money, jewellery or valuable items in the room. • DO NOT leave any valuables unattended. Report any loss or theft to the Hall Office immediately. 26 Security and Safety