Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

121 120 Identification of Your Supervisory Style and its Impact on Students The supervisor’s style of teaching and guiding postgraduate students has a strong impact on the success of the student’s research process. Gatfield and Alpert (2002) proposed a model of supervisory styles with the following two dimensions: An awareness is needed to adapt the weighting of the two dimensions in response to the ongoing observation of each student’s needs. Your provision of instruction, guidance, advice, mentoring and support at appropriate times would contribute much to the personal and professional development of your students. STRUCTURE Organization and management of the research SUPPORT Supporting the postgraduate student and resourcing the project • How responsive do you expect students to follow up on issues that you raised? • What are your practice of co-authorship and co-ownership of research products? • How long do you expect students to stay in the program before they could graduate? How is financial support affected? • What is the expected framework to meet graduation requirements? • What are the implicit and explicit institutional thesis assessment criteria? • What are the institutional or disciplinary requirements in editing and structuring a thesis, and on publication? • What do you offer to facilitate students’ learning and development? • What relationship is expected? Pure academic and work relationship or with personal relationship? Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students “Your provision of instruction, guidance, advice, mentoring and support at appropriate times would contribute much to the personal and professional development of your students.” Reference Gatfield, T. & Alpert, F. (2002). The supervisory management styles model, in quality conversations. In Proceedings of the 25th HERDSA Annual Conference, Perth, Western Australia. 7-10 July 2002: p. 263.