Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

123 122 Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students “You may wish to keep in mind that it is essential for students to have a balanced and healthy lifestyle, with sufficient time to rest, exercise, socialize, relax and have fun in daily activities.” Respecting Diversity, Value Students’ Priorities and Need for Balance As the student population becomes more diversified, you have noticed many differences in culture, value, religious beliefs and rituals, sexuality, and approach to the research execution. Though you may not agree in these, you can stay curious and respect the differences without overriding them. Postgraduate students may also carry family responsibilities, heavy-load classes of their own as well as of being a teaching assistant, alongside a tight research timeline. Working long hours with sleepless nights, and isolating themselves in laboratories with poor diet and quick meals become a norm for some postgraduate students. You may wish to keep in mind that it is essential for students to have a balanced and healthy lifestyle, with sufficient time to rest, exercise, socialize, relax and have fun in daily activities.