Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

127 126 Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students Making Yourself Approachable with Regular Check-in with Students It is not uncommon for postgraduate students to have frustration and setbacks during their course of research like you are conducting your own. It would be a significant protective factor, especially for non-local students whose social support is weakened with family and friends physically far away, if there is someone whom they could feel safe enough to disclose their need of seeking help, and who cares about their well-being academically and personally. It also helps students to hold themselves responsible and accountable while keeping their research on the right track if you regularly check-in with them, formally and informally. It may be a sign of struggle if the student is not getting in touch for a period of time. “It is not uncommon for postgraduate students to have frustration and setbacks during their course of research like you are conducting your own.” “ Early in my second year of postgraduate study, I found that something was not alright with me. I couldn’t catch up with the fast pace of research, and the discrepancy between me and my supervisor had grown day by day. The feelings of stress and anxiety lingered. Moreover, my relationship ended abruptly. Unexpectedly, I felt like I fell into the most difficult moment in my life. Alone in Hong Kong as a foreign student, my parents were not aware of my situations. ” ~Anonymous Student~