Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

129 128 Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students Identifying Students Struggling with Personal Concerns Absence from meetings, social withdrawal, interpersonal conflict, frequent sickness, procrastination, complaint about sleep disturbances, preoccupation of worrying thoughts, depressed mood, panic attack, and significant weight change. These are signs that can draw your attention to discuss privately with the students to check whether they are struggling with life challenges that need assistance. You may refer students to seek counseling support while continuing to offer your care. Students may choose not to disclose their personal concerns. However, you may help to promote a healthy mindset that struggling is not a sign of inadequacy or shame, but a part of life, even for the most brilliant and successful people. Supporting towards Thesis Defense A reflection of your own experience in preparing for a thesis defense and a recollection of what your supervisor did or did not do would give you an idea on how to support your students at the final stage of their study. For instance, you may: Help students to develop their academic writing for thesis Specify criteria on selecting an appropriate examiner Clarify the purposes of oral examination and identify the potential issues Prepare them in responding to examiners’ comments and criticisms