Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

137 136 In Case of Mental Health Problems The University should provide academic accommodation and other support for students suffering from mental health problems just the same ways as for students suffering from physical illnesses. For severe cases of mental health problems, a complete leave from study and school work are required. Students can resume study when their mental health status is stabilized, if not fully recovered. With consent from the students, supervisors could collaborate with academic departments and Student Counselors about students’ recovery and provide continuous care and support during sick leave. You are encouraged to keep the Student Counselors informed about students’ status, including their academic progress, foreseeable stress, and plans of resuming study. In Case of Termination The pursuit of a higher degree could be intellectually challenging and mentally straining. In addition to voluntary withdrawal, students may be terminated or required to change from PhD to MPhil for various reasons. Such a failure can be unbearably shameful not only for themselves but also for their family. Some students are able to shake off the feelings but some unfortunately go on without support and develop mental illness. Careful attention, mentoring and exit counseling are an extra but important step in preparing the students to move on without setting themselves up for something regrettable. You can actively work with Student Counselors to help such students. “The University should provide academic accommodation and other support for students suffering from mental health problems just the same ways as for students suffering from physical illnesses.” Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students Chapter Six: Supporting Postgraduate Students