Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

139 138 Chapter Seven: What Faculty and Staff Can Do? AM I ONE OF THE UNDUE STRESSORS? On striving for academic excellence, you may expect high of the students and want to push them to reach further with good intention. However, under some occasions, you may unknowingly contribute to the stress that overwhelm the students, who are although competitive and high achieving, but at the same time often highly critical to themselves and not having a healthy self-esteem. We have no doubt that what you are doing means well and you are trying your very best. In case you find the following scenario familiar, you may want to reflect if you could play a role in fostering a friendly and caring environment that is supporting the students to excel and take off. • Do you always criticize without appreciation? • Did you have students leaving your office crying after they reported their academic work? • Are you approachable? Are students scared to come to see you in your office? • Are you demanding a quick response from the students, that they could not even finish their meals but to react immediately? • Do you request meeting or talking to the students at unreasonable hours? • Do you feel impatient talking to the students who you feel as if they are a burden? • Are you stressful with your own job and responsibilities too? Chapter Seven: What Faculty and Staff Can Do?