Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

155 154 Chapter Eight: Faculty and Staff Testimonials Chapter Eight: Faculty and Staff Testimonials We invited faculty and staff throughout the system to share how the mental health of students would impact their jobs and why learning about mental health is a true need. We hope their personal sharing of feelings and thoughts inspire you. “ Although I am not trained in mental health issues, I have been especially attuned to the prevalence of depression among students who often “hide it well” until a moment of crisis. Unfortunately, this proved to be the case with a friend who committed suicide when we were in graduate school. Since then, I have been especially sensitive to signs of depression, anxiety, and other psychological conditions among students (and faculty, for that matter). Expressing sympathy and reassuring the person that mental health challenges are far more prevalent than most people realize has proven to be constructive. No one should feel ashamed about getting help. Showing that you care can make all the difference to a student. ” Prof Kellee Tsai Dean of Humanities and Social Science Chair Professor, Division of Social Science Associate Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence Research