Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

19 18 Chapter One: Recognizing Students in Difficulties and Distress Chapter One: Recognizing Students in Difficulties and Distress HKUST Student Mental Health Trends Our University has its own mental health concerns. Every year, all undergraduate freshmen are invited to complete an assessment (Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales, DASS) on their levels of anxiety, depression and stress at the beginning of the academic year. The percentage of freshmen who reached a moderate or above level of anxiety, depression and stress in the academic year of 2020-2021 are 48.56%, 31.58% and 22.42% respectively (N = 2,752). The percentage of freshmen who reached a moderate or above level of anxiety, depression and stress in academic year 2020-2021: “ I suffered. Some nights I could not get to sleep, because the voice kept reminding me of how imperfect I was. Past mistakes made in relationships and at work came up in my head relentlessly. When I realized the first thing that popped up in my head after I woke up in the morning was the inner, negative voice of self-hatred, I thought that I had to do something about myself. I was scared that I would not be able to change and be stuck in this situation forever. However, I did not want to be a slave of my own negativity that had been affecting me for years. This had to stop. ” ~ Anonymous Student ~ MODERATE OR ABOVE LEVEL OF ANXIETY 48.56% MODERATE OR ABOVE LEVEL OF DEPRESSION 31.58% MODERATE OR ABOVE LEVEL OF STRESS 22.42%