Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

21 20 Chapter One: Recognizing Students in Difficulties and Distress Regarding counseling service usage, the number of counseling clients has nearly tripled (+290%) in the past eight academic years from 2012 to 2020. Increasing trends of usage are observed in all academic profiles, including undergraduate students, research and taught postgraduate students. Another key trend on our campus is that the awareness for psychological services has been increasing in the student community. With the dedicated support from different stakeholders in the University, a variety of training programs, workshops and psychoeducation activities have been initiated. In the academic year of 2019-2020, a total of 159 psychological health initiatives have been delivered with more than 21,300 headcounts of students participated. Concerted efforts have also been put to enhance crisis prevention, to reduce the stigma of meeting with psychologists and counselors, as well as to strengthen the collaboration with other helping professionals including psychiatric doctors and crisis counselors from the community. “Another key trend on our campus is that the awareness for psychological services has been increasing in the student community.” Chapter One: Recognizing Students in Difficulties and Distress