Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

23 22 Chapter One: Recognizing Students in Difficulties and Distress Chapter One: Recognizing Students in Difficulties and Distress STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH 3-TIER INTERVENTION MODEL The Education Bureau of Hong Kong encourages schools to adopt a three-tier intervention model for providing additional learning support to students based on their individual needs. TIER 3 Intensive and individualized support to students with persistent and severe learning/behavioral adjustment difficulties TIER 1 Help students with mild or transient learning/behavioral adjustment difficulties TIER 2 “Add-on” intervention for students with persistent learning/behavioral adjustment difficulties TIER 3 : CRITICAL SERVICES Outlines the critical mental health services that need to respond fully to fundamental student mental health needs in the university community, aiming at reducing reaction time and providing timely crisis prevention services TIER 2 : TARGETED INTERVENTIONS Targets at a smaller group of at-risk students through psychoeducation, prompt support and prevention programs, restores key services to support students in reducing distress and improving psychological well-being TIER 1 : COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH Enhances the full spectrum of student life services to creating a healthier and conducive learning environment through engaging faculty and academic staff, and facilitating effective communication and collaboration among multi-disciplinary helping professionals References Mental Health Review Report School Crisis Management Prevention of Student Suicides University of California – Promoting Student Mental Health