Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

27 26 Chapter Two: Warning Signs of Distress “Learning more about the signs and indicators of distress could allow you to identify students in need, direct them to appropriate resources and support them in a timely manner.” As a faculty or staff, you have daily interactions with numerous students and close connection with some of them. It is likely that you are the first to notice a student who is experiencing difficulty. You do not need to take on the role of a counselor or try to diagnose a student. But learning more about the signs and indicators of distress could allow you to identify students in need, direct them to appropriate resources and support them in a timely manner. The following categories of warning signs usually appear repeatedly to draw your attention. The presence of one sign alone does not necessarily mean that the student is experiencing severe distress. However, the more signs you observe, the more likely the student needs help. Chapter Two: Warning Signs of Distress