Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

29 28 Chapter Two: Warning Signs of Distress Chapter Two: Warning Signs of Distress ACADEMIC CHANGES • Written or verbal expression of despair, suicide, death, violence or social isolation* • Repeated absences from classes, laboratories or tutorials • Deterioration in quality or quantity of work • Missed assignments, examinations or appointments • Disproportionate response to grades or evaluations PHYSICAL CHANGES • Noticeable cuts, bruises or burns* • Disorganized speech, rapid or slurred speech, confusion* • Deterioration in physical appearance or personal hygiene • Marked weight loss or increase • Particularly drawn or tired looking • Noticeable smell of alcohol or illicit drugs • Bizarre, unusual and out of character dress • Inability to make eye contact *Safety Risk Indicators: Immediate attention is needed. “ Two years ago, I was a year one student who got lost and depressed. I disliked people around me. I hated my family and my “jongmates”. I did not want to do anything and failed two core subjects in that semester. I tried to transfer to other majors in order to restart my university life. As expected, the transfer was not successful because of my poor results. I was not able to quit because my family was poor. I could not get into sleep easily. I quit the society cabinet finally. I really needed someone’s help and so I went to seek counseling. ” ~ Anonymous Student ~