Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

33 32 Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress Now that you are aware of the warning signs of distress, let us discuss when and how you should respond. When you notice that your student is having one or more of the warning signs, having a simple check-in with the student may help you get a better sense of his/her situation. There is no harm in offering resources to a student who is not in need; but there can be serious consequences for failing to follow through with your observations. “There is no harm in offering resources to a student who is not in need; but there can be serious consequences for failing to follow through with your observations.” “ In my two years of studies, I faced many difficulties. I was challenged by my tutor about my class participation in one of the courses. When I answered the questions, I always raised my hands first, looked at her, as a signal that I could answer her questions, and marked down how many questions that I had answered. No matter how hard I tried to make her understand that I did answer so many questions, she still did not believe me. I felt extremely frustrated. ” ~ Anonymous Student ~