Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

37 36 WHEN SHOULD YOU MAKE A REFERRAL? Your support and understanding of the students is essential and can make a great difference to their emotional well-being. But do not overburden yourself and do not expect yourself to take up the role of a psychologist or counselor. There are times when making referral is necessary: “Your support and understanding of the students is essential and can make a great difference to their emotional well-being.” Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress When you feel overwhelmed and overly responsible for or worried about the well-being of the student. When the student and you have personality differences or conflicts that cannot be resolved and may interfere with the helping process. When the student asks for assistance with a problem that is outside your expertise or responsibility. When helping the student with the problem will compromise or change the status of your relationship with him/her, e.g., asking for money or a place to live. When the student is repeatedly reluctant to discuss his/her problem with you. When the assistance and support you have already provided do not seem to solve the student’s problem effectively.