Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

39 38 WHEN THE STUDENT IS SHOWING AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORS OR SUICIDAL URGES Most of the students with emotional or mental difficulties are reasonable and sensible. However, some of their emotions may become so intense that they can pose potential threat to themselves or others. The following describes how to handle students with aggressive behaviors or suicidal urges. Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress “Most of the students with emotional or mental difficulties are reasonable and sensible.” Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress For Aggressive Behaviors Note: These situations are infrequent as students experiencing mental health difficulties are rarely violent. Assure the safety of yourself, others and the student. Talk to the student in a safe and comfortable place. Stay in an open area with a visible means of escape. Remain calm and adopt a non-threatening approach, while asking someone else to seek help or get help by yourself. Do not crowd the student, but explain your actions before you act and continue to assure the student without being patronizing. Do not hesitate to seek help from colleagues and the Security Office if you believe your situation is frightening and distressing. SAFE AND COMFORTABLE PLACE ASSURE THE SAFETY SEEK HELP NONTHREATENING APPROACH EXPLAIN YOUR ACTIONS