Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

41 40 Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress “Do not hesitate to seek help from colleagues, Counseling and Wellness Center and Security Office.” For Suicidal Urges Take threats of suicide seriously. Attend and listen non-judgmentally, allow the student to talk and express fully his/her feelings; and respond with empathy to let the student know that you can feel what he/she is feeling. Without giving false hopes, use appropriate silence to help you plan what to do next and give the student some time to think or experience emotions. Restrict access to lethal means, e.g., weapons or high ground. Decrease isolation by telephone contact, constant personal watch, or monitoring of activities. EMERGENCY CONTACTS If the student is in imminent danger or if you feel unsafe, immediately call: Counseling & Wellness Center for consultation 2358 6696 Security Office 2358 8999 for reporting of top emergencies on campus 24/7 HEARing Helpline exclusively for HKUST community 8208 2688 Police or Ambulance 999 for reporting of top emergencies off campus