Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

43 42 Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress Chapter Three: Approaches in Handling Students in Distress Our Student Counselors are always ready to support in hospital transfer. School/Department colleagues are advised to pay hospital visits at appropriate time. The student may sometimes want to be discharged from hospital. He/She should be advised to accept and follow the psychiatrist’s decision and comply with medical instructions for complete recovery. CARE FOR HOSPITALIZATION A student who is suspected to be suffering from severe mental illnesses or with high risk of suicide is normally admitted to the Accident & Emergency Department at Tseung Kwan O Hospital in Hang Hau, the closest hospital to the University. Upon medical assessment, the student may be transferred to a psychiatric ward (usually United Christian Hospital/Kowloon Hospital) for psychiatric treatment. Before the transfer, consensus from the student and/or his/her parents is required. The student who refused the transfer may be ordered to be detained for observation if his/her mental disorder is of a nature or degree which warrants detention in a mental hospital for observation for at least a limited period and if the detention is in the interests of his/her own health or safety or with a view to the protection of other persons (Part 3 Section 31, CAP 136 Mental Health Ordinance). To secure a smooth transfer, both the student and his/her parents should be well-informed about the reason for transfer and the environment in a psychiatric ward.