Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

47 46 Chapter Four: Diversity on HKUST Campus RESPECT AND SENSITIVITY Each student has a unique profile that affects the way he/she perceives and responds to the world as well as the way other people interact with the student. There are some situations in which a clash occurs from the difference in the cultural background or value system between a staff/professor and a student. This could create a tremendous amount of distress to the student. When we interact with students, let us be aware of our own attitude, value and cultural background that may have an influence or pressure on the student. And be sensitive about the potential distress that may come from the student’s unique profile. Students from different cultures and races may follow their traditions very seriously. Always be respectful of their tradition, and avoid making any critical or judgmental comments. Even if you believe you are familiar with a student’s cultural background, it is still important to listen to their perspectives. Refrain from making assumptions about the student or relying on stereotypes just because the student comes from a certain group. Chapter Four: Diversity on HKUST Campus “ I’m the only international student in my research group, and I was originally very excited that I could know people from other countries. But I was shattered by the differences in thinking, communication and I am unable to mix in with the other groups even though I tried very hard to. I feel very isolated and lonely. ” ~ Anonymous Student ~ SEXUAL ORIENTATION RACE CULTURE FAMILY STATUS GENDER STATUS PHYSICAL ABILITIES SOCIOECONOMIC BACKGROUND RELIGION