Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

49 48 Chapter Four: Diversity on HKUST Campus Chapter Four: Diversity on HKUST Campus Moreover, different cultures express distress in different ways. Some disclose physical symptoms to convey emotional distress. Some accept having stress but refuse to admit having anxiety, depression or any mental health problems. When you communicate with students from different cultural background, you may use the same expression that they use to describe their distress. Gently explore with them their views on seeking counseling services if you think they need so. De-stigmatize students who need counseling services by sharing that it is common for our students to seek counseling or emotional support, and it is not a sign of weakness. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (SEN) There are a number of students who has declared SEN status to the University’s SEN Support under the Dean of Students’ Office. With proper documentation of their disabilities, such students are eligible for adjustments to facilitate their learning experience. Common SEN includes physical, visual, hearing, speech, or learning disabilities, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), psychiatric disorders, and chronic health problems. While some of the disabilities are inborn or have a chronic history, other disabling conditions can occur from accident, illness, stressful life event, trauma or injury. Some students with SEN may adjust well with their own resources and support. Some may need assistance from the University. “ I do not dare to express my different opinion to my supervisor, not to mention disclosing my difficulties to him. As this is a sign of incompetence and it’s disrespectful to express discontent to people in higher rank. ” ~ Anonymous Student ~