Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

57 56 Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties “In fact, many students who encounter life challenges actually have effective coping strategies and support already in place.” As you go through this chapter, we hope to help you understand the circumstances and issues that our students are dealing with, become more empathic towards their personal experiences and struggles, and be sensitive to the signs and symptoms associated with the various types of psychological distress and concerns. We also provide suggestions on how to respond to those students where help deem necessary, as well as the available resources that you can seek for reference. SUPPORTING STUDENTS WITH MENTAL HEALTH DIFFICULTIES This chapter aims to give an overview about the challenges and struggles that our students commonly face, and the major mental health concerns that they may present when the challenges become overwhelmingly distressing. In fact, many students who encounter life challenges actually have effective coping strategies and support already in place. It should be noted that not all people who experience difficulties need or wish to seek adjustment or additional support. No particular actions may be necessary except the following: Understanding and sensitivity Acceptance and containment of individual differences Creation of a climate of care and acceptance among fellow students and staff Awareness of activities which may heighten anxiety or distress for the concerned individual