Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

5 4 • Behavioral Concerns n Substance Abuse and Addictive Problems 78 n Excessively Demanding and Dependent Behaviors 80 n Self-injury 82 • Concerns that Require Immediate or Urgent Attention n Suicide 84 n Physical Violence and Aggressive Behaviors 86 n Poor Contact with Reality 88 Responding to Students with Emotional Distress and Behavioral Concerns 91 • What You Can Do 92 • What to Avoid 94 Responding to Students with Concerns that Require Immediate or Urgent Attention 98 • What You Can Do 99 • What to Avoid 100 Responding to Student Death 102 • Verifying Death and Cause 104 • Disseminating Information 104 • Supporting Those Impacted by the Student Death 106 • Memorials 110 CHAPTER SIX: SUPPORTING POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS 112 Postgraduate Students: A Vulnerable Population 113 Supporting Postgraduate Students 117 • Early Clarification and Ongoing Management of Expectations 119 • Identification of Your Supervisory Style and its Impacts on Students 121 • Respecting Diversity, Value Students’ Priorities and Need for Balance 122 • Effective and Supportive Feedbacks and Constructive Criticisms 125 • Making Yourself Approachable with Regular Check-in with Students 127 • Identifying Students Struggling with Personal Concerns 128 • Supporting Towards Thesis Defense 129 • Supporting Students for Careers in the Academia or Beyond 130 • When Relationships with Students Go Wrong 131 • Being Generous on Encouragement and Support 133 • Eleven Practices of Effective Postgraduate Supervisors 135 • In Case of Mental Health Problems 136 • In Case of Termination 137 Promoting Student Mental Health: A State of Well-being CHAPTER SEVEN: WHAT FACULTY AND STAFF CAN DO? 138 Am I One of the Undue Stressors? 139 Helping Students to Identify and Manage Overwhelmed Stress 140 Connecting with Your Students 143 Evaluating Students without Causing Unnecessary Distress 144 Prevention, Early Identification and Crisis Management 145 It’s Okay to be Not Okay 147 Speaking Openly about Mental Health, Encouraging Mental Support and Help-Seeking 148 Paying Attention to Abnormal Absentees 150 Students Taking Study/Sick Leave Due to Health Reasons 151 Students on Academic Probation or Subject to Dismissal 152 Making Staff Referrals 153 CHAPTER EIGHT: FACULTY AND STAFF TESTIMONIALS 154 CHAPTER NINE: WEBSITES AND RESOURCES RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH 171 Global Websites 172 Local Websites 173 HKUST Psychoeducational Resources 174 Counseling and Wellness Center 176 Mood and Stress Assessment 178 Promoting Student Mental Health: A State of Well-being