Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

59 58 CHALLENGES AND STRUGGLES THAT STUDENTS EXPERIENCE Everyday challenges and difficulties may lead to various mental health issues among our students. The following are common ones. University Life Adjustment/Transition New students often find a lot of things to get accustomed, such as physical and social environment, academic system and evaluative measures, flexible timetable, and broadened choices of student activities. Dealing with change means dealing with stress, and students may show various degrees of emotional distress before they can really settle in. It is even harder for non-local students, who need to spend extra efforts in overcoming cultural differences and with less available family and social support. Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties Academic Stress and Difficulties Firstly, students may find their studies and the course requirements challenging. The quantity of coursework, the frequency and format of examinations and evaluations, mismatch of interests or ability levels, ineffective study skills, and related frustrations can bring enormous pressure to the students. Secondly, the keen competition among peers, the high expectation from teachers, parents, or themselves can drive the students into the illusion that they must constantly spur themselves or should never be satisfied with themselves, causing tremendous tensions and burnouts. Thirdly, the working relationships with other peers and teachers can sometimes be tough and cause additional distress and despair, especially when there is a lack of clear communication of expectation, or discrepancies in personalities or working styles. Peer Pressure or Interpersonal Difficulties Some students have to make an extra effort in establishing social support network. In a culture that values extraversion and verbal presentation, they may find it stressful to expose themselves, and tend to skip participating in activities for fear of judgment, criticism, rejection, or embarrassment. In addition, students who live in hall may need to adjust to the many differences in routines and habits of their roommates, while students who involve in group projects and other student activities are often challenged by the process of collaboration and conflict management. “Students may find it stressful to expose themselves, and tend to skip participating in activities for fear of judgment, criticism, rejection, or embarrassment.” Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties