Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

63 62 Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties General Health Concerns Mind and body are closely interconnected. Our physical health status will affect our mental health, and vice versa. Apart from acute or chronic health conditions that cause substantial disturbance to their daily and academic functioning, some students are also susceptible to various health risk behaviors, including reversed sleep schedule or sleep deprivation, unhealthy diets or eating habits, insufficient physical activities, and use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs. The marginal health condition will further diminish the students’ abilities to cope and remain resilient in face of stressors and adversities. Personal Growth and Development Students need to build their right attitudes for other people and work, to learn to manage themselves and take up responsibilities for their own choices, as well as to find their personal meanings and values of life. During this continuous process of exploration and development, some students may feel confused, lost, anxious, disappointed, fearful or frustrated. Timely and appropriate guidance and inspirations from mentors and teachers can readily enhance personal growth and development. Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties “Students also need to face the great pressure brought by the rapidly changing job markets and keen competition for success.” Career Development and Planning for Future While some students have clear vision of their lives to pursue and enjoy in future, some experience the opposite. They feel confused and overwhelmed by the idea of leaving school and trying to figure out what to do with their lives. They feel pressured if they view their career decisions as having irreversible impacts on the rest of their lives. They also need to face the great pressure brought by the rapidly changing job markets and keen competition for success.