Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

65 64 MAJOR MENTAL HEALTH CONCERNS THAT STUDENTS PRESENT AND THE SUPPORT THEY NEED Students who are going through significant frustrations and stressors in life can develop different kinds of mental health issues, depending on their biological predisposition, their personalities, the socio-environment and many other triggering factors. Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties “ I believe most of you know the character “Sadness” from the movie Inside Out. This movie doesn’t just show her cute and chubby face but also reveals the importance of her existence. We all have “Sadness” and “Fear” in our minds and sometimes they may gain too much power and affect our lives. This is nothing to be ashamed of. It just sometimes happens. All we need to do is to face it squarely and fix it. When things really go beyond your control, you may need some help from your friends or even professionals. ” ~ Anonymous Student ~