Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

81 80 Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties Excessively Demanding and Dependent Behaviors The student community consists of individuals with diverse background, personalities and social styles. Occasionally there are students who are unclear about the conventions and boundaries of interpersonal interactions, and create much tensions and difficulties in people around them. These students may come from a smaller community, where demand is less and more support is available, and they may not have the chance and necessary experience to learn acting independently. When faced with greater challenges in a larger community, students may find that they are overwhelmed and lack necessary skills to adapt to college situations. Students who are demanding can be intrusive and persistent and may require more time and attention. These students often present with a sense of entitlement, unwillingness to listen, self-centeredness, resistance to rejections and disagreements, or exhibition of disrespect or verbal abuse toward others. They may also be associated with anxiety, panic, depression, personality problems and/or thought disorders, mania, drug use/abuse. Responding to these students may require extra tolerance and skills. It is important for you to be aware of your own condition and availability, and arrange a time so that you can best respond to them. When the demanding or dependent behaviors remain excessive, asking help from colleagues or referring the student to counseling service can be considered. “Occasionally there are students who are unclear about the conventions and boundaries of interpersonal interactions, and create much tensions and difficulties in people around them.” SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS • A sense of entitlement • An inability to empathize • Unwilling to listen • Cannot take “no” for an answer • A need for control • Difficulty in dealing with ambiguity • Intrusive and persistent • Difficulty with respecting structure and rules • Inability to accept any limits • Fears about handling life • Dependency on others to take care of them Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties