Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

91 90 Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties RESPONDING TO STUDENTS WITH EMOTIONAL DISTRESS AND BEHAVIORAL CONCERNS So you now learn about the signs and symptoms of various types of emotional distress, you may wonder how you can best respond to and support the students with such concerns. We are going to share with you the techniques that could help build rapport and trust with the students and to encourage them to seek timely help. “ I trust nobody’s road to the future is easy. We’ve all had our stumbles along the way. There’s no way one can compare a hurdle to another. We’ve all been through different experience. What may seem like a piece of cake to me could be a huge obstacle for you, or vice versa. Yet that does not reflect our capabilities, but it tells the path we’ve walked along, the things we have experienced, the troubles we’ve been through. No one is qualified to tell you that your problem is negligible because only you are the expert to your own life. Only you know that you need help and that you deserve it. ” ~ Anonymous Student ~