Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

93 92 Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties What You Can Do Remain calm Approach proactively and speak to the students privately in a safe and comfortable place Show genuine care and respect Be accepting, listen and communicate in a non-judgmental manner Allow room for students to talk, encourage them to express their feelings Try to understand and reflect upon students’ situation, their feelings and thoughts Provide emotional support, assurance and reassurance Provide instrumental or informational support when appropriate Be willing to consider flexible arrangements if appropriate, to alleviate stress and instill hope, (e.g., academic arrangement) Observe confidentiality (except when students voice to cause harm to themselves or others) Encourage students to seek professional assistance and make appropriate referral Be prepared for the students to deny any problems or reject your help; follow up with the students, as they may be not receptive to help initially but would accept it upon further reflection and follow-up Enlist help or support from colleagues when you feel necessary