Promoting Student Mental Health - A State of well being

97 96 * The student’s knowledge and prior consent to the disclosure of confidential information must be sought except in critical or life-threatening emergencies. Some students may not wish to have contact with their family and release information to the family. This may, in exceptional cases, place a student in danger. # CIMP refers to Critical Incident Management Procedures. Website: Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties Chapter Five: Supporting Students with Mental Health Difficulties Approaching and Offering Assistance to a Student with Mental Health Concerns • Approach the student proactively • Engage the student in conversation • Introduce yourself to the student if you do not know each other beforehand • Encourage the student to talk about their concerns/ problems • Express your concerns for the student* Assess the critical nature and disturbance by identifying the signs and symptoms as shared in this chapter • Is there immediate risk of suicide? • Is the student posing risk of hurting themselves or others? NO • Consult your supervisor or other professionals • Consider eliciting support or company of another colleague or professional to approach the student together • Call the Police/Security Office • Alert Critical Incident Coordinator of your School/Department/Office and supervising staff as appropriate • Follow the University’s CIMP# Make referral to the Counseling and Wellness Center Accompany the student to meet the counselor if appropriate Follow-up and continuous monitoring and support is helpful • Provide initial support (refer to the section “Responding to Students with Emotional Distress and Behavioral Concerns” (p. 91) • Seek student’s consent for making referral to professional services if deem necessary Does the student accept help? You detect problematic, psychological or psychiatric disturbance from students because: • The student has told you • The peers of the student has alerted you • You noticed some signs in their appearances, behaviors or emotions You feel comfortable and able to approach and talk to the student yourself YES NO YES YES NO