Postgraduate Prospectus 2025-26

01 FOUNDED IN 1991, HKUST HAS BEEN A BEACON OF EXCELLENCE... Top Asian University (THE Asia University Rankings, 2024) #12 World's Top University (QS World University Rankings, 2025) #47 World's Top Young University (THE Young University Rankings, 2024) #3

02 World’s Top Executive MBA Program (Financial Times Global EMBA Rankings, 2023) #1 World Leading or Internationally Excellent Research Work among Universities in Hong Kong (Research Assessment Exercise 2020, University Grants Committee) #1 in Hong Kong #1 in Greater China #3 Global Employability (Global Employability University Ranking and Survey, 2023-24) #29 AND A BIRTHPLACE OF INNOVATION


04 HKUST is committed to maintaining and enhancing its world-leading position in education, research, and innovation. By gathering the best minds, the University aspires to drive positive changes, empowering the next generation to address complex global challenges. Together, we will not only embrace the future, but also shape the future. Pioneer in Education and Research In addition to advancing disciplinary learning, interdisciplinary education and research are promoted in collaboration with global prestigious institutions and strategic partnership with HKUST(GZ). Students will be driven to pursue research breakthroughs in essential and emerging areas for the betterment of humanity. Enclave for Innovators and Entrepreneurs The University empowers students to transform cutting-edge research into meaningful non-technological solutions. We will develop innovation infrastructure and programs, and enhance the knowledge transfer collaborative framework to synergize our existing platforms, new centers, and cross-campus initiatives, creating more collaborative possibilities for our community. Smart Green Campus Upholding best-in-class sustainable and quality practices while embodying an innovative spirit, the University enables an environment for its community to thrive within planetary resource boundaries. We will invest in hardware infrastructure, foster a culture of digital adaptability, renew our commitment to net zero carbon, and enhance our campus for the HKUST community effectively and responsibly.


Postgraduate Students from ~60 Countries and Regions from Africa,Asia Pacific, Central & South America, Europe and North America Data as of Dec 2023 English as Medium of Instruction 7100+ Postgraduate Students ~80% Non-local Students 06

WE EXCEL IN RESEARCH AND INVIGORATE YOUR DREAMS World Leading or Internationally Excellent Research Work among Universities in Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise 2020, University Grants Committee #1 100% Faculty with PhD Degrees* from World-Renowned Universities *Substantiation-track faculty (Assistant Professor or above) and research-track faculty ~100 Research Institutes, Centers and Joint Labs in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area 840+ Faculty from 40+ Countries & Regions Data as of May 2024 07

Faculty Profiles Explore More 08 • Big Data Institute • Biotechnology Research Institute • Brain and Intelligence Research Institute • Cheng Kar-Shun Robotics Institute • Energy Institute • GREAT Smart Cities Institute • HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) • Institute for Emerging Market Studies • Institute for Financial Research • Institute for Public Policy • Institute for the Environment • Sino Software Research Institute • Space Science and Technology Institute • William Mong Institute of Nano Science and Technology National Labs and Centers Key Research Institutes State Key Laboratories (SKL) • SKL of Molecular Neuroscience • SKL of Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies Chinese National Engineering Research Center (CNERC) • CNERC for Tissue Restoration and Reconstruction • CNERC for Control and Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution Central Research Facilities (CRFs) and HKUST SuperPOD The CRFs at HKUST and HKUST(GZ) are a pillar of the University’s research infrastructure, sharing advanced and specialized equipment. The new HKUST SuperPOD, a cutting-edge supercomputing system, promotes an "AI for Science" environment within the University. Explore More Match your Interest with our Research Strengths Material Science and Future Energy Innovation for Business Management and FinTech Biomedical Science and Translational Medicine AI, Future Computing and Electronics Environmental Science, Sustainability and Green Tech Art Tech and Humanities Six Broad Cross-Disciplinary Research Foci Responding proactively to global challenges and nurturing talents to meet these demands, HKUST, along with its world-class research infrastructure, continues to attract the brightest minds in vital strategic areas of cross-disciplinary research. Excellence Attracts Excellence

UNIFIED HKUST, COMPLEMENTARY CAMPUSES Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link HONG KONG GUANGZHOU <1 Hour between HKUST(GZ) and Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station 09

Thinking Forward Upholding the spirit of HKUST in academic excellence, innovation and entrepreneurship, HKUST(GZ) adheres to its vision to push the frontiers of knowledge and research. Breaking Grounds HKUST(GZ) adopts an innovative pedagogy and a cross-disciplinary active learning model which blends enquiry-based and problem-focused learning. Elevating Learning Courses and central research facilities at HKUST and HKUST(GZ) are open to students and researchers both ways. Students will find ample cross-campus study opportunities . Bridging Gaps Strategically located in Nansha, south of Guangzhou, HKUST(GZ) helps facilitate the development of the Greater Bay Area while striving to become a world-class institution in the area. The ever more complex problems facing society have called for both curiosity-driven and mission-motivated research. Under the ‘Unified HKUST-Complementary Campuses’ framework, HKUST and HKUST(GZ) are financially and legally separate entities, they are closely linked, academically synergistic, and complementary in addressing world-wide challenges to advance humanity. 10

HKUST and HKUST(GZ), with their respective pedagogical approaches, are synergistically connected. With the former being curiosity-driven and the latter mission-motivated, our unique academic structure is designed to tackle today's complex global issues. HKUST offers disciplinary programs through their well-established Schools and the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, while HKUST(GZ) trail-blazes a cross-disciplinary approach featuring four Hubs serving as a nexus among disciplines, under which are the Thrusts representing key emerging areas for mission-focused cutting-edge research. UNIQUE ACADEMIC STRUCTURE, BOUNDLESS POSSIBILITIES 11

Sehyun CHOI from South Korea Machine Learning Engineer at Ridi Corporation MPhil Graduate in Computer Science and Engineering Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program Awardee My postgraduate life here was a fulfilling journey characterized by hard work, enjoyment, and personal growth. The diverse and supportive community played a crucial role in shaping my research experience and preparing me for a successful career. Dr. Mahdi NIKDAST from Iran Associate Professor at Colorado State University PhD Graduate in Electronic and Computer Engineering Choosing HKUST is one of the best decisions I've ever made. The courses I took, the rewarding talks and seminars offered and the high-quality research conducted here all helped me realize my dream to become a professor. Maria Vittoria ALFONSI from Italy PhD Student in Life Science HK PhD Fellowship Awardee The University's stimulating and challenging environment allows me to grow and blossom not only in my academic pursuits but also on a personal level. I consider this an extraordinary chapter in my life. Cross-Campus Study Opportunities • To encourage collaboration between HKUST and HKUST(GZ), students have opportunities for cross-campus study and access to research facilities on both campuses. • With the University's enlarged scope and additional resources, students are empowered to pursue their passion and engage in in-depth research from multiple angles to tackle real-world problems in the 21st century. 12

DIVERSE OPTIONS, MYRIAD OPPORTUNITIES With the firm academic pillars established by the five Schools/Academy at HKUST and the innovative academic structure with the four Hubs at HKUST(GZ), you will be offered numerous bidirectional opportunities to stretch your vision and realize your dream. 165+ Wide-Ranging Postgraduate Programs Information Hub Function Hub Systems Hub Society Hub School of Science School of Engineering HKUST Business School School of Humanities and Social Science Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies HKUST(GZ) HKUST 13

Programs @ HKUST Programs @ HKUST(GZ) We offer two types of postgraduate studies: Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) 2 years (Full-time) 3 or 4 years (Full-time), depending on entry qualification Research Programs Normative Study Duration Short-Term Studies @ HKUST(GZ) We welcome quality and enthusiastic students from all over the world to conduct research or take courses on short-term basis. Short-Term Studies - Get a Taste of Study Life Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Arts (MA) Master of Science (MSc) Master of Public Management (MPM) Master of Public Policy (MPP) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) 1 to 2 years (Full-time) 1.5 to 4 years (Part-time), depending on individual programs Taught Programs Normative Study Duration Alessandro BUFFOLI from Italy PhD Student in Marketing HK PhD Fellowship Awardee The professors and faculty members are always helpful and available for support. And there are many financial support opportunities offered here. 14 Short-Term Studies @ HKUST

15 WE NURTURE VERSATILITY To enhance your all-round growth and professional career development, we provide ample resources and practical opportunities to equip you with comprehensive transferable skills. Discipline-specific Professional Development Course • Equip students with knowledge and skills for the development and advancement of their professional career inside and outside academia Professional Development Course • University-level Professional Development Course on - Entrepreneurship - Self-management - Career Development - Professional Conduct - Communication Skills - Research Competency

16 Maria Joscelind ALVINA from Indonesia PhD Student in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering HK PhD Fellowship Awardee As a teaching assistant and a hall tutor, I have developed communication, teaching, and leadership skills that help me grow as a researcher and a person. All these are invaluable to my future endeavors. Dr. Hao DONG from Mainland China Peking University Boya Young Fellow Associate Professor with Tenure at Center for Social Research, Guanghua School of Management MPhil and PhD Graduate in Social Science HK PhD Fellowship Awardee I benefited greatly from HKUST's globally leading faculty makeup, excellent postgraduate training, and international, interdisciplinary research vision. The generous funding supported me to go on several conference trips and research visits. Dr. Melody CHUNG from Malaysia Co-founder of Allegrow Biotech Ltd PhD Graduate in Bioengineering I enjoyed the freedom and ownership in pursuing knowledge, with ample mentorship and resources available for me to chase my ambitions in contributing to global health. HKUST also provided generous funding to support research and tech transfer. Training for Graduate Teaching Assistants • Strengthen students’ competence in teaching and equip them with basic teaching skills • Provide them with practical opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in teaching Research Funding Opportunities • Overseas Research Award & Greater Bay Area Research Award • UGC Research Travel Grant • Croucher Studentships and more…

WE INCUBATE BRILLIANCE When you make your passion your profession, you will be giving your best gift to meet the needs of the world. Let's find that gift. Career Development Programs 100+ Global Employability University Ranking and Survey, 2023-24 #29 Active Start-ups 1700+ Unicorns 10 Data as of Jun 2024 17

Dr. Baggie Waponde NYANDE from Ghana Founder and Principal Engineer of Divvflow Systems Limited PhD Graduate in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering HK PhD Fellowship Awardee HKUST provided community, support, and inspiration that truly felt like home. It was a place where inspiration met opportunity, sparking not just my academic growth but also my entrepreneurial spirit that led to the founding of my company. Dr. Teresa LAW from Hong Kong Co-Founder and Managing Director at AKOS Advanced Technology Ltd PhD Graduate in Chemistry The path of an entrepreneur is a battle that never ends, but we always come up with solutions. That’s the HKUST spirit. We bring innovation to the world and amplify the reach of our impact. This is the place to nurture your entrepreneurial dreams and let them soar. Frank WANG from Mainland China Founder and CEO at DJI MPhil Graduate in Electronic and Computing Engineering I started my company in the first year of my PG studies and received a lot of help from professors who believed in my dream. Competitions • HKUST-SINO One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition • Hong Kong Techathon+ • Hult Prize and more... In 2023-24 • 1290+ Postgraduates participated in University-wide entrepreneurship events • HK1,737,000+ approved for entrepreneurship projects led by postgraduates for various sectors (Data as of May 2024) Facilities • HKUST Entrepreneurship Center • HKUST R and D Corporation Limited • Office of Knowledge Transfer • The BASE Co-working Space Explore More 18

Myriad Arts and Cultural Offerings Rich Array of Library Resources Comfortable Living Quarters A Diverse and Inclusive Community Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab Explore More 20

A VIBRANT LIFE @HKUST(GZ) Leading Research Facilities 21

Diverse Library Resources Dynamic Student Experience Student Activity Center Inspirational Smart Green Campus Explore More 22

DISCOVER MORE Research @ HKUST Faculty Profiles @ HKUST Connect with HKUST Research @ HKUST(GZ) Faculty Profiles @ HKUST(GZ) Connect with HKUST(GZ)

Postgraduate Studies hkustpg PGOA-HKUSTGZ @HKUST @HKUST(GZ) This booklet was published in August 2024, the details may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to our websites.